Chapter 20: Transfer Student Time/2nd Period

Start from the beginning

"Not possible. You'll be dead." Shiro said as a light emitted from the inside of his sleeves and explained what it was. They even knew Koro-sensei's weaknesses.

When the arena cleared up, Koro-sensei was on the ceiling with his molted skin on the ground. He wasted so much energy trying to avoid the attacks and regenerating himself, Itona took out two more tentacles.

As they were talking, Shiniko thought, "If they manage to kill Koro-sensei, they save world, literally, but I lose my friend..." She clenched the knife in her sweater pocket.

 As she watched Itona go for the final blow, his tentacles melted. Shinko looked at the ground and saw a couple of anti-sensei knives on the ground and realized that the one she was clenching was missing. Koro-sensei turned grey and had that unreadable face again.

Koro-sensei then dropped his molt over Itona and picked him up, "You may be exceptionally strong, but I'm exceptionally clever." Koro-sensei said and chucked him out the window. 

"Great, now I'm gonna have to fix that too," Shiniko thought.

He reassured everyone that Itona was unharmed, "In yo' face. I win. Nyah-nyah na-boo-boo. Etcetera, etcetera." He teased and started to lecture him.

Itona's eyes became red and his tentacles became black. He got back in the classroom charging at Koro-sensei, but before he could come close, Shiro fired something at him and he fell back unconscious. Shiro walked over to his unconscious, hot-headed ward and picked him up over his shoulders.

"Until graduation, his well-being falls on me. And, frankly, I also have a lot of questions to ask you, Mr. Shiro." Koro-sensei said.

"Sorry. we're leaving. Unless you care to use force?" He questioned, walking away.

Koro-sensei growled at his reply and tried to stop him with his tentacle, but the second he touched his shoulder, his tentacle melted. Shiro informed that the fabric was made of anti-sensei fibres. As he left with Itona, Koro-sensei watched from the window he broke. It started raining again.

As Shiniko was fixing the damages in the room, the students moved the desks back, Koro-sensei was at his desk covering his face. He was talking about how ashamed he was about being all serious, and that the students were to think of him as comic relief.

"But you got so serious about it. "Tell me where those tentacles came from? Why does someone like you have them." Hazama mimicked.

Koro-sensei began telling everyone his shtick. Then Irina came in and talked about the tentacles Itona had and everyone started to ask Koro-sensei about his past and why he was here or ever created.

"Sir, focus on what happened today. Why were you mad? His tentacles upset you. We've never seen you like that. Does it have something to do with why you were created in the first place? I mean, why are you even here?" Nagisa asked.

"The past won't matter when the planet's destroyed." Shiniko spoke up, gaining everyone's attention from the back of the class, "If you want answers, you're going to need to work for them. Assassin, student. Target, teacher. That's what bonds our class together. Keep trying to kill him, show him what you've learned." She left through the window after she finished and went outside to where Karasuma was.

"She's right. Nothing comes from nothing, boys and girls. If you want answers, work for them. Show me what you've learned. If we're done giving yours truly the third degree... classed dismissed." Koro-sensei said and started walking to the door, the he got embarrassed, again.

When Shiniko caught up with Karasuma, he was making a phone call. Shiniko climbed into the tree as he hung up the phone.

"Mr. Karasuma?" Isogai approached with the rest of the class behind him.

"What can I do for you? Or, rather, for all of you?" He asked.

"Um... Can you teach us more about assassination? We wanna sharpen our skills." Isogai answered.

"Hmmm. You already know plenty."

"Here's the deal, sir. We've been slacking off 'cause we figured someone else would take care of killing Koro-sensei, y'know?" Yada said.

"Yeah, 'cept when we saw Itona do his thing, it dawned on us. The thing is, we don't want it to be someone else." Maehara stated.

"It should be us. If they can just bring anyone they want to do it, then what's the point of us being here in the first place, right?"

"We may not have a lot of time left, but we're willing to work harder. Please. We want to assassinate our teacher!"

"Like Shiniko said, we have to work for any answers ourselves." Isogai finished their speech.

"All right, then. Students interested in beefing up their assassination skills can stay after class. Be ready to work hard!" Karasuma said.

"Yes, sir!" The class said.

Shiniko jumped down from her branch, "I can help sharpen their skills if you want." She offered.

"What makes you think you could help us?!" One of the students shouted.

"I can assure you that she's qualified enough." Karasuma stated, "Let's start by climbing up this rope. It's brand new and waiting to be broken in." Karasuma said with a evil grin.

"Already done." Shiniko said from the top.

"Seriously?!" The students exclaimed.

"Come on, if I could do it so can you," Shiniko said after gracefully landing on the ground, "You said you wanted to sharpen your skills." She said looking up at Koro-sensei who was sitting in a nearby tree.

When practice was over, everyone went home, not only thinking about Koro-sensei life, but also Shiniko's as well.



A Secret Unraveled (Assassination Classroom FanFic) **Old Version**Where stories live. Discover now