Chapter |1|

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Your point of view:

It's my first day as a junior and I'm already losing my patience as I wait for my friend to get her ass in my car.

My name is Y/F/N, as you already know I am a junior in high school which leaves me at the age of 16. I live in Los Angeles California and I have ever since I was 10 years old.

"Hey hey, hoe." Shanna greeted me getting into the car throwing her backpack in the backseat, when she turned to look at me I gave her an emotionless glare.

"What?" I just shook my head in disappointment as I put the car in drive and began heading to our school.

"Okay so, I was thinking.." she began flipping through the photos on her phone.


"I was thinking maybe so that you don't get made fun of by how you dress, we could.. I don't know? Give you a wardrobe makeover!" Her hazel nut brown eyes met mine before I pulled into the high school parking lot.

Wardrobe makeover?.. I don't know that doesn't sound like such a bad idea since I get made fun of all the time, I always wear hoodies, shorts, and Joggers.

"That doesn't sound like such a bad idea.. I'll come over after school."

Shanna nodded her head as we got out of my car, "Do you know what classes you have?"

"I was going to go into the office and grab my schedule actually."

"Okay meet me in the lunchroom?" She asked putting her hair up into a pony tail and I just nodded my head 'yes' before walking into the office.

"Okay, Miss Jauregui what do you need?" Mrs.Arsenault the attendance lady asks after she hung up the phone, she was on now giving the 5'4" girl with black hair all of her attention.

I swear, I know this chick just something is a little bit off?..

"I need my schedule."

"Oh, we didn't print those out this year. But if you go on skyward on your phone..there you will see you're new schedules if you log in."

"Ah, I see.. thank you Mrs.Arsenault have a great day." The girl said smiling turning around, when her dark emerald eyes met mine her smile fell and my heart began to beat faster.

The girl that is standing in front of me is a complete bitch, She looks really nice but she's a jerk to me and I don't know why. She has been picking on me since junior high; Lauren Jauregui, a 5'4" popular bitch, she has really pretty friends Ally, Camila, Dinah, and Normani.

"Oh would you look who it is.. you'd think you'd change how you dress by now Y/F/N." Lauren said clicking her tongue at the roof of her mouth while she looked at me with pure hatred making me feel uneasy.

Looking down at my feet I turned around and headed towards the lunchroom but we call it the canteen here.

"Did you get your schedule?" Shanna asked me handing me a cup of coffee which she bought from the little coffee shop near where you'd get your food.

"It's online." Giving her a small smile in appreciation for her buying me this coffee.

"What's wrong?"

"I just.. saw Jauregui in the office and we barely conversed."

"What'd she say? Come, let's walk." She held out her hand to help me off the bench and I gladly took it before we headed down the hallway.

I laughed a little trying to make light of the situation, "Just dragged me about my outfit, and how I dress I guess?"

"Come on you can't let her get to you okay? Why don't you dress you at school like you do when we are outside of school?"

"Because when I'm outside of school I am forced to dress a certain way because my dad and his girlfriend Shan." I bit my bottom lip in frustration.

People began to whisper and everyone's eyes were on a group of girls down the hallway and I rolled my eyes when Shanna took a deep breath in, it's just Lauren and her possy.. they're not that great if you ask me.. only Dinah is, she's the nicest.

"Loser." Lauren said passing us, as she was passing she had hit my coffee out of my hand making it spill all over the floor.


"Oops?" Laughing while continuing her way down the hallway and Dinah, the blonde Polynesian opens her mouth to say something but is pulled by Normani.

"I'm sorry." I sighed as a hand is placed on my shoulder and squeezed.

"It what ever." I mumbled, "I'll see you later? My phone says my first period is math with Mr.Herald."

"Yeah, text me." Shanna said before I left to the direction of my math class.

"Hi Mr.Herald." I gave him a small smile before walking fully into the classroom.

"Ah, Y/L/N it's nice to see you again in my class! Feel free to sit where ever you'd like." Mr.Herald said giving me a welcoming smile and I turned to look at where I wanted to sit and I met the same green eyes I had this morning, Lauren.

Please tell me she isn't in my class..I don't want her around me, I don't even want to share the same air as her! Okay maybe I'm being a little dramatic.. but she's rude.

Lauren looked at me not giving me the same death glare she always does, she turns her attention back to Ally who is talking probably about some cute outfit she had seen online.

I decided to sit in the far right of the classroom in the middle close to the back but not fully to the back, let's just hope Lauren keeps her distance from me and we won't have a problem.

This is going to be a long year..

A/N:Okay so this is like my first book of a y/n and stuff so I'm sorry if I'm not very well at it but hey I'm open to trying new things lmao

Please vote and comment your thoughts so far.. lol rip me. I haven't written in a while so it might be cringe for a sec.


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