Collapse- yoongi

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You had been sick like this in the past where you would get the most intense headaches that hurt enough you would pass out.  You and Yoongi both knew it was happening again about a week ago when you started throwing up and had a migraine for three days. The monstrous headache affected your vision and balance as well, which made the days you suffered with it miserable.

Around day four you could barely get out of bed because you were afraid of fainting.

"Yoongi.." you called out weakly.

"Yes jagiya?" he responded quietly.

"Can you get me a glass of water?"

"Anything else?" he asks as he gets up.

"I don't think so" you say meekly.

As Yoongi walks out of the room to get you water, you sit up slowly. You made sure you were careful enough as you sat up not to make yourself anymore dizzy. 

Yoongi comes in a few moments later with a glass of water in his hand.

You reach out for the glass of water and smile at him.

"Thank you," you say as he walks back to his spot on the bed.

You press your lips to the rim of the cup and take a sip of water to wash down the medicine you had set on the nightstand next to you.

After a little bit you went to bed hoping to feel better in the morning.


You woke up with the headache still, but you didn't feel as bad as the last few days. You noticed that Yoongi was already up and out of bed, so you decided to get up too.

You rubbed your eyes tiredly as you walked out of your bedroom.

"Yoongi-ah I'm hungry", you whine hoping he would hear you.

Unfortunately, he didn't.

When you didn't hear a response you walked into the kitchen and poured yourself some cereal. You poured as you ate your cereal in silence.

After you had finished your cereal you rinsed your bowl out and placed it in the sink gently. Wanting your boyfriend, you walked to Yoongi's studio room hoping to find him there. After walking up the steps to the room you knocked twice before entering.

"Yoongi-ah", you said happily walking over to him.

"Glad to see you out of bed", Yoongi smiles as he walks over and hugs you.

You pull out of the hug and go sit down.

"I was just actually finishing up," he chuckles lightly noticing your pout.

"Fine," you pout as you stand up.

When you stood up you felt immediately nauseous, but ignored it and proceeded to follow Yoongi downstairs.

When you got and the bottom of the steps you quickly brushed past Yoongi and started to head towards the bathroom.

"Jagiya are you okay?" Yoongi asks worriedly.

You turn around to face Yoongi, but when you did you felt a sharp pain in your head, causing you to clutch the side of your head.

Worried, Yoongi walks over to your side to make sure you were okay.

"Yoongi.. I think I need to lay back down," you said weakly.

Yoongi nods and walks behind you to the bedroom. When you get past the doorframe Yoongi walks back toward the kitchen.

As you walk towards the bed you feel the pain again, but this time much worse, and you collapse.

Yoongi, hearing the crash of your body hit the floor, quickly went back into the room to see you on the ground unconscious.

"Cmon don't do this to me... Please wake up!"
He's seen you collapse before the first time while you were sick, but he thought your were being over dramatic; however, now he
knows it wasn't and that it's something to be serious about.

(A/N): only Jungkook left to do in this theme before getting into some real angst.

I've seemed to notice that my yoongi imagines are longer than the other... probably cause he's my bias 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed!

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