Collapse- taehyung

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You hadn't been feeling well all week. You could hardly keep down food and you had a terrible headache. Tae didn't seem to notice the lack of you eating food, or the dizzy spells you were having until he decided he wanted to take you out on date in the park.

You two were walking hand in hand in the park when you stumbled a bit. Tae just thought you tripped over a rock.

"Ah Jagiya be more careful you might fall and hurt yourself if you do that!" he said with his boxy smile.

You gave him a small smile back not wanting him to worry. You tried your best not to do it again. Taehyung didn't get suspicious of something being wrong until you asked him to stop for a moment because you were dizzy.

"Jagi are you okay? Do we need to go sit somewhere?"

You nodded your head weakly as Tae lead you a nearby bench. You and him sat there for a few minutes as he tried to make jokes and silly faces to try and make you feel better.

After about 10 minutes he asked you if you wanted to go on the playground with him. Seeing that you hadn't been on one in forever, you obliged.

Like a child you ran over to the swing sets and asked Tae to push you.  At that moment you felt better until you got off the swing, you instantly felt dizzy and you had to grab hold of the bar on the side of the swing set.

"Y/n are you alright, lets go sit down again", he said with his voice full of concern.

You tried to keep your balance as you let go of the bar. You grabbed Tae's arm for support. When you tried to walk your face flushed of color and you collapsed on the ground.

"Nonononono! Jagiya wake up!" His face flushing color like yours did.

He kept on screaming and shaking you to try to wake you up. When that didn't work he took his phone out and called for help.

These are very short and I'm sorry

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