Suprise Visit- Yoongi

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You groan as you sink into your cocoon of blankets; you miss him. Yoongi has been gone for weeks for business and neither of you have any idea of when he'll be back. He was the only person who ever came to see you. It made your nights when Yoongi would come by with food and movie ideas. Your days have been blurred and lonely. Texts are rare from Yoongi, but every time you wake up to find a message, your heart flips and you find yourself in bliss even if it's only for a moment.

The night is peaceful, but there's a tightness in your chest. You text Yoongi to see if he's alright, but you never get an answer. You hate feeling like something is inevitably wrong and need answers to make it go away. Trying to distract yourself, you leave your bed and make your way to the living room, a blanket wrapped around your shoulders like a cape and flop down on the couch. You look out your windows and watch the cars go past; the lights are bright and leave steaks behind your eyelids when you blink. The loud buzzing of your door being requested from downstairs brings you out of the space you created in your head. Quickly getting up, you hit the unlock button by your door and wait to see who's coming up.

None of your other friends come to see you and Yoongi is out of town, so you're worried about who is here unannounced. You hear light footsteps after a minute... they were familiar. Your heart begins to race as you wait for the unknown guest to knock. The footsteps were now outside your door; there was no knock but instead the jangling of keys. You tighten your grip on the blanket around your shoulders.

"It can't be the landlord," you thought to yourself.

The door swings open and you meet the tired gaze of Yoongi.

"What the hell! You scared the fuck out of me Yoon," you scold him.

He mumbles and walks over to you, placing his arms around your waist, holding you close as he kisses your forehead. You snake your arms around his neck and pull him close. He smelled like he always does; muted scents and eucalyptus. You didn't want to let go.

"Why didn't you tell me you would be back?" You mumbled into his shoulder.

"I wanted to surprise you," he tiredly speaks.

Silence falls over the both of you as you stay locked in the hug, both not wanting to let go; however, you were the first to and Yoongi followed. You grabbed his hand instead and dragged him to your bedroom.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and you stood between his legs as he rested his head on your stomach. You slowly brushed your fingertips through his messy hair; he leaned into your hand and sighed heavily. This position and motion were so familiar to you as it was his favorite- him leaning against you while holding your legs and you playing with his hair. Neither of you have a sense of time when you're together, it could've been years you stayed in that spot before Yoogi pulled you both down on the bed. You were awkwardly on top and whenever you attempted to squirm away to get comfy, he would groan and hold you tighter.

Eventually you escaped the grasp and slid down next to him. You moved a bit until it felt comfortable and relaxed in his arms. No sooner than five minutes pass before you feel the heavy breaths of a sleeping Yoongi on your shoulder. You quickly fell after he did with your heart content and your mind without fog. 

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