Chapter 16

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Joe came into the house soaking wet from the torrential downpour that was going on outside.

Upon entering the living room of his parents house. His family looked up at him, some faces registering confusion - others registered shock that he was even standing there before them. He was on his honeymoon after all.

Joe's Father was the first to speak.

"What are you doing here?"

"I left." Joe trailed off.

"What do you mean "You left"?" Kevin, Sr. asked starting to get upset.

"I can't handle this. I don't want to be a husband and Father. I want to be single and free." Joe complained.

"Too late now! You should have thought about that before you had unprotected sex and conceived a child. Now your up a creek and I have your paddle! I am only going to tell you this once so I suggest you listen up and do the right thing before this goes to far and you can't get a handle on your life. Cause it will only go down hill from here, if you don't."

Joe nodded in understanding before his Father continued.

"You are a husband and Father now, son. It's not just about you anymore. You have a family to think about and now they come first before your own personal needs ever will. This is the hand you were dealt. So go back to your wife and child and beg for forgiveness for leaving her again. It's time to grow up and be a man now. We wish you luck and we love you, but this is a battle you have to fight on your own."

"That's it?" Joe looked at his Father incredulously. "That's all you have to say to me? Oh I love you son but you are on your own."

"Yes Joseph. That's what I am telling you. Go back to your family, you are needed there." his Father replied.

"I can't believe it! Thrown out by my own family!" Joe grumbled to himself as he walked towards the front door.

"Don't bother coming back here unless you are with your wife and son." Kevin, Sr. called out. Joe grumbled some illegible words under his breath as he slammed the door shut and walked back out into the rain towards his car.

Having no choice, Joe reluctantly drove back to the hotel. He entered the hotel and began to make his way to the elevator when the concierge at the front desk stopped him.

"Mr. Jonas. I am sorry to have to tell you this but your wife and child have checked out of the hotel."

"What?" Joe screeched. "When?"

"About an hour ago, Sir."

"Did she say where she was headed? Anything you remember might help me to find her. I need to find her, it's important!" Joe urged, lunging forward at the young concierge.

"No, but she asked me to give you this, if you were to show up back here." the concierge affirmed handing Joe an white business sized envelope.

Joe hastily ripped open the envelope and pulled out the contents, which was a letter, written on the hotel's stationary. Before he had a chance to look at the letter, Joe heard two light dings on the tiled floor, Joe looked down to see what had fallen. He leaned down and picked up the items, now holding the wedding rings in his left hand. He clutched them in his fist as he flipped open the folded letter.


You always told me that there was no time left to regret in life. But I think you and I both know it was all a lie. If our relationship wasn't a regret to you and our lone night of lovemaking wasn't a regret either and you keep saying that you have no regrets for making Jonathan that night, but deep down I think you honestly regret everything. I doubt you will ever admit this to me but your actions towards us have spoken more than your mouth ever will. You left Jonathan and I for the second time and this time it was less than 8 hours after we were married. Yet another decision that you wanted to do and said you had no regrets for doing it. Truth is - I can see you are full of regrets and two of those have now walked out of your life forever. Don't chase after illusions you never wanted any part of in the first place. So if you don't want this marriage or the wedding band that it symbolizes, than neither do I. I grant you a divorce, annulment, whatever you want to call our separation. I am getting far away from here with Jonathan, that's sure to make your Father happy. Tell him not to release our marriage announcement, since it's over and you can move on with your life as a single guy, which I know you want and your career isn't affected. I hope you can truly find happiness someday with a great girl and have more children with her. We created something beautiful once and he will never be a regret to me. It obviously wasn't meant to be for us. I will abide by your Dad's wishes and not bother you or your family ever again and I won't tell anyone Jonathan is your son. You will never hear from us again and I hope you keep the promise you made to me. Don't ever give up your music. Its all you have left to live for. Even though it didn't work out, I still love you. I will always love you - as my friend, my lover and the Father of my child. Love, Beth

Once Joe was finished reading the letter, he dropped his hands to his sides and tossed his head back, closing his eyes.

"Did the Misses letter give you any clues on where to find her, Sir?" the concierge interrupted Joe's thoughts.

"No, she left me." Joe whispered, unmoving.

"May I offer you some advice Sir?" the concierge offered.

"What?" Joe breathed, tipping his head forward, but leaving his eyes closed.

"Go to your house. It has only been an hour since she left here. I am sure if she is leaving than she hasn't packed up all her and the child's belongings yet, so you still may be able to stop her from leaving you." the young concierge explained.

Joe suddenly perked up at the thought the young man had put into his mind.

"That's a good idea! Thanks so much for all your help!" Joe affirmed as he turned and headed quickly out of the hotel.

"Not a problem, Sir. That is my job. Good luck to you!" the concierge waved goodbye to Joe.

***Chapter End Notes*** - Thank you for reading, please leave a comment and vote on the chapter if you like it.

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