Chapter 14

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After the dinner dishes had been cleaned up. I took a walk outside to think about my life altering change that will be happening in less than 12 hours. I was deep in her thoughts and didn't hear footsteps behind me or a hand covering my mouth as I was drug into the darkness of a few shady oak trees on the apartment grounds.

I struggled against the unknown person. Until I heard, "Shh, shh. Stop struggling! It's only me." after I heard that, I was turned to face who had silenced me. He didn't remove his hand. "I have to talk to you. Promise you won't scream."

I nodded as the hand was removed from my mouth.

"Kevin! What are you doing here and why did you just kidnap me?" I spoke in anger.

"I didn't technically kidnap you. I just really had to talk to you before you married Joe tomorrow."

"We talked a few days ago, you know I don't have a choice in any of this." I shook my head.

"But you do! It's not too late. You haven't married Joe yet. You still have a chance to change your mind and marry me." Kevin pleaded.

"I don't Kevin. You know that. The decision has been made, pictures have already been taken and a statement has already been made up to be released about my marriage to Joe and JJ's birth. Besides, its only right to marry Joe, he is Jonathan's biological Father. He needs Joe in his life." I explained.

"But Joe was never there for you! He left you when you needed him most. You went through your pregnancy alone. I was there to see the baby born. I am more of a Father to Jonathan that Joe has been. You need me." Kevin argued, as he put his arms around me, but I stepped back.

"I know but I have to at least try to make this work out with Joe. I owe him that much." I replied looking away.

"You deserve better. Let me take care of you and Jonathan, please?" Kevin asked, guiding my face back towards him.

"Kevin, I know you mean well, but please move on. You will find someone who makes you happy. I have created this mess with Joe and I have to stick it out no matter how much I do or don't want to. Too many things are at stake here, more than you and me and even Joe and the baby. Your careers are on the line as well and that's what's most important to salvage here. Just be a great uncle to JJ. God knows, we all need the support of family most of all right now. Can you do that for me?" I explained, grasping Kevin's hand and rubbing it.

"Yes, I'll do it. But no matter what happens, I will always be there for you and the baby." with that Kevin inched closer to my face as he leaned down and gave me a meaningful kiss.

Once we broke apart, I was a little stunned at Kevin's actions but said nothing as Kevin squeezed my hand one last time before he walked away.

I went back into the apartment, taking a seat next to Joe on the couch. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek as he put his arm around me, snuggling as we watched TV.

I never mentioned Kevin's visit, I didn't want to cause anymore problems than I already had within the Jonas family. As I thought back to what I had told Kevin outside. It was true, I had to try making it work out with Joe for the sake of Jonathan and I decided to start that night, letting Joe cuddle with me.


It was now Saturday morning. Joe, Jonathan and I were dressed in the wedding clothes, standing in the judge's chambers while the same photographer from yesterday was snapping away relentlessly.

Joe held my hand and smiled. The expression he wore told me that he and I shared the same butterflies in our stomachs, but I felt they were for different reasons: his excitement, mine nerves.

Still, he smiled sweetly. We needed to do this, it was what was best. We had to make the best of it.

We stood in front of the justice of the peace, patiently waiting for the service to begin. Jonathan sat quietly in his father's arms, looking between the two of us. His eyes were bright, acknowledging his surroundings.

"We are gathered here today to join Elizabeth Baldwin and Joseph Jonas in holy matrimony," the Justice of the Peace began. He looked between us, and to Jonathan, settling finally on Joe. "Do you Joseph take Elizabeth to be your lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, through sickness and health, until death do you part?"

"I do," Joe replied, offering his perfect smile to me. He pulled a gold band out of his pocket and slipped it on my left ring finger. He ran his calloused fingers over the simple band, lifted my hand to his lips and kissed my fingers. Finally, Joe interlaced our fingers and the ceremony continued.

"And do you Elizabeth take Joseph, to be your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, through sickness and health, until death do you part?" The Justice of the Peace recited, looking at me expectantly.

I stood there for a moment still not believing this was happening. Everything that we'd been through had come down to this - and it wasn't what either of us really wanted right now. Couldn't we have just been happy with being together and raising Jonathan? Did this have to be an 'until death do you part' situation?

Joe had noticed my hesitation, and he squeezed my fingers to break my daze. My eyes shot to meet his, and I came back to reality. I pulled out the ring that was meant for Joe, and I smiled as I slipped the ring onto his finger.

"I do," I answered belatedly. I saw the tension and nervousness in Joe's expression and posture, telling me he believed I was about to back out.

"Well then by the power vested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss your bride."

Joe pulled me into him, and gave me our first kiss as husband and wife. Truth was, I didn't think he'd make it through the ceremony. Something told me he was just as against this wedding, this permanent seal as I was. Deep down, I wondered if he ever felt like coming back to me was the wrong choice, if he'd made a mistake. This was his new life now; I wondered if he felt as uncomfortable in it as I did.

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