Chapter 13

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Joe called his Father later that night after Jonathan was put to bed and informed him of our decision. Telling by the tone of his voice he didn't seem thrilled with what we had decided. I think he was hoping that I'd take the money and run away so their problem would go away forever. I thought to myself as I watched Joe hang up the phone.

"What's next on this rollercoaster ride?" I asked sarcastically.

"We are getting married on Saturday by a judge, the record company will release the news on Monday via the Associated Press and our website. We have to pick out some wedding clothes and pose for a few pictures for the press release for the wedding and some family pictures with Jonathan, that will be taken on Friday." Joe explained the plans.

"Since we'll be married soon, it wouldn't look right for you not to be living here. Even though we are still having some problems." I affirmed.

In hearing that Joe's face lit up, which he quickly responded. "I can stay the night and get my stuff tomorrow morning."

"Alright, well it's getting late. I'll see you in the morning." I turned to walk away but Joe reached out and stopped me.

"I'd like to share your bed again."

"But Joe...." I was extremely hesitant in letting Joe anywhere near my bedroom.

"We don't have to have sex or anything. I was just saying we should sleep in the same bed together." Joe reasoned.

I didn't want to hear him begin whining so I reluctantly broke down and gave into him. "Fine, just keep your hands in your pockets and Fred in your pants and we'll get along just fine."

Joe chuckled. "No problem. I think I can do that."

My heart melted a little inside when I saw Joe smile, I had missed him so much in the last eight months but I couldn't falter and let him know that.

After we were settled into bed, I felt Joe's arm drape over my waist.

"Joe - your about to lose an arm." I muttered into my pillow.

"I'm only holding you and its virtually impossible to get pregnant while doing it!"

"Doesn't matter it might lead to that."

"It will not! You only said "No sexual contact" and holding you is not sexual contact. Just lay here and enjoy it."

"No, the last time I laid down and enjoyed something with you, I got knocked up and you left!"

"I'm here now and I'm not leaving again. Stop worrying."

"You make people constantly worry about your next move since you are so spontaneous and do what's best for Joe, screw anyone else."

"I'm not arguing with you about this babe. So stop trying to start a fight with me and go to sleep." Joe said as he moved closer to me, tightening his hold around me, as if to comfort me and let me know he really wasn't going to leave again. I huffed at his last statement but gave in and finally fell asleep in Joe's arms.


Friday came faster than I wanted it to. Joe and I spent the two previous days, trying to get used to being around each other again. While he tried so hard to be a good Father to Jonathan and took care of him all day at his insistence. First we were going to take the family pictures. Joe was dressed in a blue, tan and white flannel, while I chose an off white short lace dress with long laced sleeves, Jonathan was wearing a blue short sleeved shirt under a white with tan and blue diamond designs, with a brown bear wearing a vest and hat in the corner of the wool vest and matching tan pants. Joe picked out his outfit, I was on the fence about how it would really look on Jonathan.

Joe had finished dressing Jonathan and walked over to me with the baby in the crook of his left arm.

"What do you think Mommy?"

I finished tying the bow in front of my dress and turned to see my two handsome men dressed up. I smiled at the sight of Jonathan in his outfit.

"Joe, he looks adorable!"

"Like his Daddy." Joe smiled widely as he looked down at Jonathan, then back up at me. Joe moved closer, leaning down and placing a sweet kiss on my protruding lips - holding us in that moment, until Joe pulled away from me slightly. Looking deep into my eyes, he whispered, "I love you."

Just then there was a knock at the front door.

"We'll get that - come on JJ. Let's see if that's the nice photographer man at the door" Joe said to the baby as they went into the other room.

A minute later I heard Joe calling out for me.

"Beth, the photographer is here."

I sighed, taking one last look at myself in the mirror before making my way into the living room.

The family photo shoot took almost two hours. The photographer kept moving us around in different positions, Jonathan became cranky and had to be fed, shortly after he ate he had about enough of the photographer and fell asleep. Joe put him in his bassinet, then the photographer took some pictures of Joe and I alone.

The photographer finally asked us to change into the wedding clothes.

For our wedding pictures - Joe wore a dark navy blue suit with a white button up dress shirt. I wore a white satin off the shoulder long flowing wedding gown. He took about two hours worth of pictures of us alone and together for the wedding pictures, when Jonathan finally woke up - Joe took him into the other room to be dressed for these string of pictures. Joe brought Jonathan back out into the living room wearing a suit that matched Joe's. Again for the second time that day the two loves of my life looked so handsome, I was speechless.

I was relieved when the photographer announced he was finished taking pictures. After all we had been at this for six hours.

***Chapter end notes*** - Thank you for reading this chapter. Please let me know what you think of it. Upvote if you liked it.

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