Chapter 10

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Welcome back guys and girls. Wow chapter 10. Let's get to this chapter and find out who Omid and Christa are and find out what will happen in Savannah.
As we started packing the stuff we needed from the cage in the little house, we started to walk back, Christa met us half way.

"What the he'll happened?" She asked sounding a bit worried.

"Walker, almost got Clementine." Lee replied looking down at me.

"You alright sweetie?" Christa asked me.

"Yes, I'm fine." I answered.

We started to walk towards the train to meet up with Omid, Kenny, Charles, and Ben. Lee went up a ladder to cut the part of the semi down, it worked, finally we could go to savannah and meet up with my parents. We started to climb down the ladder, when we reached the ground Omid came rushing.

"GET ON THE TRAIN NOW!" He started running towards Christa.

"Why?what's wrong?" Christa asked.

"That gun shot just rang a dinner bell for the bitters!" He said pointing behind him.

There was a herd of walkers coming towards us.

"KENNY GET THIS TRAIN MOVING NOW!" Lee yelled. Kenny went running to the train. Once it started to drift away from us we started to run for it. Lee pushed me up onto one of the carts of the train, but the he fell behind with Christa and Omid.

"LEE!" I screamed.

I watched as Lee helped Christa onto the train, he then helped Omid. But then Omid fell, I heard a loud yell.

"OMID!" Christa yelled looking out of the cart of the train.

I saw Lee running towards the cart door with Omid on his right shoulder. He threw Omid onto the train then he jumped on.

"Oh Omid!" Christa went rising to his side.

"Lee!" I went rushing to Lee's side. Lee hugged me.

"So...are you two together?" Lee asked Christa and Omid breathless.

"Yes, we've been together for 3 years." Christa answered sounding relieved.

Lee nodded he then laid his head on the wall of the cart. I also felt tired.

"Clem come with me." Lee said.


We walked out of the cart and into others till we reached the one Kenny was in at the front of the train.
Lee opened the door, looked at Kenny, they nodded at each other and then Lee set me in a seat.
What was with all the nodding ? Maybe it was an adult thing, maybe a way to say thank you or hi? I don't know. But I did know that this chair was comfy and I was feeling a bit sleepy. As my eyes closed I could hear my walkie talkie making a sizzle noise, but I was to tired to keep my eyes open.

*in Clem's dream*
My eyes opened, everything seemed different. I was hungry, very hungry and it wasn't for chips or a juicy burger, it was for blood the meat of a human. I licked my lips as I looked into a house that had a tree house in the back. The place seemed familiar, but all I cared about where the couple inside. The front door was opened. I walked in to see a woman screaming.

"CLEMENTINE!" She screamed. The name seemed familiar too. She screamed again

"ED!" She screamed in fear as I walked closer.

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