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Zara's POV


"This is gonna be hilarious...." I said to myself as I poured purple hair dye into Emmett's shampoo bottle.

"What are you up to?" My big brother, Edward asked with a smirk on his pale face as he popped his head into the bathroom.

"Nothing! Nothing, brother dearest. Just....reading the labels on this bottle." I tried my best to sound convincing but failed miserably when I realized this bimbo can read min-

"Oh bimbo now? Let me just call Emmett to see what his bimbo brother is witnessing in his bathroom"

"No no no no! Please don't Eddie! Okay fine, you're not a bimbo....you're a dimbo" I snorted at my own dry joke.

"Emme-" "OKAY FINE, I'm sorry!"

Edward laughed "Calm down Zara, he is out hunting remember?" I scoffed at him.

"And I think Emmett would prefer a darker shade so why don't you add more dye." Edward gave me a sly smile. I caught on and added more while I chuckled at my brother's 'naughty side'.

Edward and I are the closest and it's probably because Edward is around my age, in human years of course. But every sibling has a special place in my heart.

We mixed the shampoo and purple-dye mix together and put the shampoo bottle back in Emmett's shower. I quickly cleaned all the mess I had made in the bathroom and ran to the kitchen. By the time I got to the kitchen, Edward was already sitting with a book in his hand, pretending as if he was reading the whole time.

We sat in the living room area waiting for the rest if the family to come back from their errands. They all finally arrived, one shortly after the other.

"I going to take a shower. Dinner was extra saucy today, got deer blood all over me." Emmett said to Rosalie as he walked out the living room. I turned to look at Edward and he had a big smile on his face. I was confused as to why was his smile was so big but before I could even breathe another breath, Alice grabbed me.

"Oh my gosh Zara, you should have come with. Rose and I saw this super-cute dress for you but we were not sure if it you would like it." Alice said and she was rummaging through her shopping bag and showing me each item she bought.

"It's a dress, I hardly wear them so of cource I wouldn't like it. Thanks for thinking of me though. And I'm sorry, I would've come but I was..." I started off but panicked when I couldn't think of a good cover story.

"-Busy with our science homework." Edward said calmly with a huge smirk on his face.

"Yeah, w-we have a huge assignment due tomorrow so we had to complete it." I added.
Edward and I are both juniors even though he is '17' and I'm 15. Well I'm turning 16 soon. The teachers pushed me ahead because of my good grades. Perks of having century old vampires siblings that have been feeding you knowledge for breakfast since you were 4.

"I think I am going to shower too. My hair desperately needs a wash." I said to myself and headed upstairs to my room.

I decided I was going to do a live performance in the shower so I switched off my bathroom lights and out switched on the LED lights. After singing my soul out to Beyoncé, I got out the shower and changed into sweats. I was too lazy to dry my hair so I let my hair drip-dry. Suddenly I hear the hairdryer followed by, "Zaraaaa!!!" Emmett's voice filled my ears.

"Shit!" I immediately took off and ran to Edward who was still in the living room and gave him the 'RUN!' look.

We ran outside and Edward said "Get on my back." I hopped onto his back and he ran as fast as he could. He ran until we got to the river.
I was roaring with laughter from the rush. Even my hair dried because of the wind blowing from Edward running.

"Ouuuu I can't wait to see him with purple hair." I said to Edward." What do you think it's gonna look like Ed?" I turned to him but he just stared at my head with the same big smile he wore earlier.

"Maybe it would look something like that." He said to me, trying to stiffle a laugh. I immediately went to the river, bent over and looked at my reflection. "What the- EMMETT!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, knowing that he will probably hear me.

"Take me to him please." I gritted. I hopped on Edward's back and he ran us home.

"Where is he?!" I asked no one specifically as I entered the house.

"I knew this was going to happen...", Alice murmured to herself.

"What?You knew this was gonna happen Alice?" I chewed at her.

"Yes I did." She answered back matter-of-factly, "When Rose and I were shopping, I had a vision that you will put purple hair dye into Emmett's shampoo. So when we were driving home, I told him. He obviously made a switch with his shampoo and yours." 

"Yeah and I knew too because I read his thoughts when he arrived home earlier." Edward said. EDWARD YOU SLY BACKSTABBING BIMBO!


I ignored Edward's exclaim and turned to Alice, "Okay but if I have the dye-shampoo mix, why did Emmett yell 'Zara'?"

Emmett then appeared in the living room with a white, powdered head. I cracked up with laughter. "Hey Grandma." I said trying to hold my laughter in.

"You put powder...in my hairdryer." Emmett said slowly. Oh yeaaaa, I forgot I did that like 2 days ago. Oops.

Rosalie and Esme walk into the living room and Rose starts laughing." What happened here?" Esme asked as she came up to me and lifted strands oh my hair. Emmett had a huge smirk on his face.

"I thought Zara over here needed a new look. Her old one was kind of boring." Emmett said with a innocent smile.

"And I thought Granny over here needed a sweet taste of revenge after putting a damn spider in my purse last week." I gritted through my teeth with a smile. Everyone laughed and soon I joined in.

"You know not to be too sappy or anything but,  I really love you guys. You are the best family I could ever ask for." I said honestly. My family gives so much love, its unreal and although I'm a pain in the ass, they continue to care for me as their own. I know that I'm not their real daughter, I knew from a young age.

Carlisle never really spoke about my birth parents when I asked. He simply change the topic or change it. He always said that when the time is right and when I'm old enough, he will tell me all about them. I'm not really worried about it though, just curious. I'm happy with my life with the Cullens.

I greeted everyone goodnight and made my way to bed and not even Alice saw what was coming in the day that lied ahead.

(A/N: Okay hi. So I hope that this is less cringe and more detailed. I noticed while reading that Zara doesn't necessarily have much of an actual personality so I fixed that. TG I found this book and fix it because sheesh my 12 year old self was ✨cringe✨. Hope you enjoyed <3 )

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