Chapter One: All You Did Was Sleep

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Baekhyun's POV


Man I hated it so much. Which is probably why I'm laying in my bed right now, debating whether or not to get up. "BAEKHYUN!! WAKE UP!!" My mom yells up the stairs. I groan and climb up out of bed, slowly trudging over to my bathroom.

I look at the mirror and frown. "Ew." I mutter to myself. The image looking back at me was disgusting. I hated myself. I quickly fix up my hair and get dressed. "That's somewhat better... I guess." My shirt was a short-sleeved grey shirt that I paired with ripped black jeans and black converse. My black hair was styled up and it looked okay.

My eyes drift down to my arms that were covered in scars. I need to keep them covered. No one can see them. I think as I walk back into my closet. Shifting through my clothes, I pull out a black jacket. I pull the jacket on and smile. "Perfect." I say, just as my bedroom door bursts open and a flash of rainbow comes running into my room.

"FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!" A boy shouts as he jumps on my bed. "Sehun what are you doing?" I ask the younger boy. Sehun stops jumping and stares at me. "First day of school?" He asks. Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce my best friend Oh Sehun, an idiot who thought it was a good idea to dye his hair rainbow.

I scoff and roll my eyes. "You idiot." I laugh. The rainbow haired boy stares at me. "I'm just excited. Is that bad?" He asks, tilting his head to the side like a dog. I stare at him as he sits there. "How did you get into my house?" I ask. A grin crosses his face. "Your mom let me in. She told me to tell you to have a good day at school and then left." Sehun tells me.

I nod and grab my backpack off of the back of my chair. "Why do you like school?" I ask, pulling him off my bed and out of my room. "I'm just ready for my life to be in a schedule again." Sehun explains as we walk downstairs. "I mean summer was amazing but, -" He says.

"Sehun." I interrupt. "The only thing you did over the summer was sleep." Sehun nods. "Which is why it was so amazing." I roll my eyes as we reach the kitchen. Sehun helps himself and goes straight to the fridge. I open my pantry and look at all the food. My stomach churns at the sight of the food. "Sehun." I whisper, my voice barely audible.

He comes over to me and places his hands on my shoulders. "It's okay Baek." Sehun turns me around and pulls me into a hug. "It hurts Sehun." I whisper. He rubs my back and nods. "I know Baek. I know. Just let it out." He soothes.

Food and I had never had a good relationship. When I was in middle school, I was bullied constantly for my weight. That led to me being hospitalized for overdosing and starving myself. This was a lifetime struggle and I hated it.

Sehun was the only friend that knew about my struggle. He had been there for me through it all. I couldn't thank him enough for it. "Come on Baek. School starts in 10 minutes. We need to leave." Sehun's voice says. I nod and pull back from him. "Sorry." I mutter. Sehun ruffles my hair making me frown. "Don't be sorry." He tells me, leading me out of the kitchen.

We walk out of the house and head out to Sehun's car. It was a nice car, a mustang 2015. I was jealous of his car and Sehun knew that. "So Baek." He says as we climb in. "Yeah?" I say. Sehun backs out of the driveway and looks over at me before continuing. "I was able to get up to 100 mph the other day." He says proudly.

I roll my eyes. "Did you get a ticket?" I ask. Sehun shakes his head. "Damn." I mutter, making Sehun laugh. "I'm just that good." He says. Shaking my head, I pull my phone out and I see that I had gotten a text. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sehun looking over. "Who's it from?" He asks.

"Chanyeol." I say with a grin. "He's asking where I am." Sehun rolls his eyes. "Lover boy." He says. I shoot a glare at him and respond to Chanyeol's text. Hey Chan. I'm almost at school. I'll be there soon. - Baek

"I'm not a lover boy. We're not dating." I exclaim to Sehun. "Yeah yeah yeah." He says as we pull into the school parking lot. We drive around for a minute, almost hitting a poor girl, but we found a parking spot. Both of us climb out and walk towards the front of school. We exchange a look and nod. "Now or never?" Sehun asks. I nod my head in return.

"Now or never." I reply. We turn and walk towards the front of school. The place of homework, no friends, and the worst of all: pain.

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