Natsu yelled at you, getting really close to your face.

"I-I "

"She totally did Flamebrain!"

Sting looked ashamed.

Rogue came out from the janitor's closet.


He shouted hitting the blonde dragon slayer.

Sting lied to you?

"Let's go (Y/N). You don't deserve to be with those scum. You'll never be with them for as long as I live."

Natsu said, grabbing your arm and taking you with him.

This wasn't going to be as easy as you thought.

I guess people thought you and Laxus broke up. Someone -cough- Mira -cough- had sent a picture to everyone in the school of you sleeping on the couch in the duo's dorm.

How did she get the picture?

You don't wanna know.

Anyways, all day you were escorted by The Fairytail boys. They made sure no Saber talked to you.


You laughed because you finally got away from the Fairy tail protection.

Deciding to use your free time wisely, you sat outside in the cold breeze.

The cold always felt nice.

As you watched the grounds, you could see the younger kids side.

Wendy and Chelia were in the middle school part of it.

You saw a little (e/c) eyed girl run past the playground, playing with some other kids.

(D/N) would be like that soon and you didn't want to miss it. You didn't want her uncle and father to miss it either....

Even if it will be awkward.

Maybe this curse will help you to finally get all that sorted out?

Without realizing it, you were crying.

You were caught off guard when you were pulled into a strong embrace.


"Why are you out here crying?"

You didn't answer him.

"I guess it's something you don't want to talk about. That's fine. I'm always here for you when you want to."

So you chose to cry into his shoulder.

Hoping that with the end result of this curse; you would still be good friends with both dragon slayers.

Rogue rubbed your back and sat with you for about ten minutes.

"You should -sniffle- really go Rogue. If -sniffle- Natsu or Gajeel catches you -sniffle- you're dead."

"I can take them."

You face palmed and let him help you up.

"T-thanks Rogue."

"No problem."

With that you left and went into the building for your last class of the day.

Rogue's POV


If you chose Rogue last time

I keep getting this weird feeling like I should hate (Y/N). I wonder why that is.

The Shadow, The Light and The Ocean| Rogue x Sting x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now