Maybe One Day

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Siena's POV

"Ugh! Do you see what the fuck you guys put me through?" I scream at my brothers. "Do you see the shit I go through for you stupid fucks? That was my best fucking friend and I've lost her. Thank you so much." We are currently in my brothers' SUV and they are taking me back to my apartment.

"Don't start that shit with us Siena." Vasali says to me, deadly calm. "We told your dumb ass not to get attached, and you did the complete fucking opposite."

"Because I'm not a cold hearted leech like you two assholes." I argue. "Even before we knew Donny was Bellic's kid, I asked you multiple times, NOT to get me involved with this shit."

"Yeah and when you did know, you volunteered. And I don't see what the big deal is, you act like you're never going to see her again. She's our future wife. She going to live with us." Vasali tried to reason, but I didn't understand where he was coming from.

"What the fuck does that have to do with me? Just because she'll live with you two assholes doesn't mean that she'll forgive me." We pull up to the front of my apartment building, but I don't move because I know my brothers aren't done.

"Look, we understand that you've lost your friend, we do. And we're sorry, we really are, but you will not do anything jeopardize this for me and my brother." I started to say that I wouldn't do anything, but Vasali beat me to.

"We know that you wouldn't do anything, but just in case we have to remind you. And who knows, maybe one day she'll forgive you."

"Yeah. Maybe." And with that I walk into my apartment building.


Sedona's POV

I'll never forgive her for this.

I'm currently riding back to the house with Yuri and Dakota, but only because they won't take me back to my house.

"Why won't you take me home?" I ask for the umpteenth time.

"Again, the bosses want you at their house." Dakota answers.

"But why?" I ask, exasperated.

"That is a very good question. A question we aren't allowed to answer."

"But why?"

"Another good question, also another question we can't answer."

"Well gosh, can you tell me anything?"

"Well I can tell you about the time I broke my arm and collar bone when I was fourteen."

"Fine. Tell me."


"Jesus, you need to be more careful. And find new friends."

"Oh I knew I had to find new friends the second my mother came running into my hospital room. She even moved us to Ohio the next month. "

We've just pulled up to the house and I see Grey and Vasali standing at the front of the house.

"I'm not getting out." I say to Dakota and Yuri.

"Ma'am, we can't just leave you here." Yuri says.

"Sure you can. Go ahead." I see them exchange looks and move to get out of the car. Once they're out, I move to lock all of the doors so that Grey and Vasali couldn't try and drag me out.

"Now why would you do that?" Grey asked. "You can't stay in there forever."

"However long I stay in here is up to you guys."

"Well we think you should come out now." Vasali said.

"No no. I want answers."

"So do we, Bambi."

I fight the urge to roll my eyes.

"Fine." I say without hesitation. You could see the surprise in their eyes. "I'll tell you why I couldn't care less about my abusive father. But you guys have to swear that you'll tell me what's going on. Tell me why Siena helped you take me."

I look at them expectantly. They exchange looks, having a silent conversation with their eyes.

"Deal. We'll tell you everything you want to know. Now will you please get out of the car?" Grey questioned.

"Yes, but no because you asked. It's because I'm starving." And with that I make my way into the house.

Yeah I know. It's short and shitty. But anywho...

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