Sleeping with the enemy - 12

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Chapter 12

It has been 2 days. TWO WHOLE DAYS, since I have been here. In this same room. Doing nothing. No tv no nothing. And whoever does the cooking in here truly deserves to get shot. The food here is disgusting. Their shower and toilets are an absolute state! I looked at the clock behind me praying that any second now someone would just walk in here and rescue me. ANYONE! I had had 3 random men come in my room within the last 2 days trying to talk to me and get information out of me- not that they did get any. They might as well give up because honestly, they ain't getting NOTHING out of me. They had tied me back up after my failed plan to escape and gave me a few bruises and cuts here and there. That still didn't make me spill. They could do what they want. I groaned at the way my belly rumbled viciously. I closed my eyes as I let the pain slide ignoring the sick feeling I had in the centre of my tummy.

The door opened and one of the 3 guys came in. He smirked and shut the door behind him.

"Still here" He said and laughed

"Ha ha ha" I said sarcastically

"You ready to speak?" He asked

I ignored him.

"Tyrell we're gonna get information out of you anyways so you may aswell tell us now" He said

"DON'T call out my name like say me and you are friends." I said

"Ok ...Well your brothers...they've got a few things that belong to us actually. But they have a special bag containing quite a few books and details and other materials which belong to us. And all we need to know is where they have hidden it. You could have been gone ages, we just need you to tell us where it is."

"You really think I'd tell you. Even If I knew where it was you REALLY think I would tell you? Over MY.DEAD.BODY"

"You're a hard and feisty one. I like you" He said and winked.

"You lot are pathetic. ALL of you. Instead of you lot to be getting normal 9-5 jobs like normal people you wanna be out kidnapping little girls. You disgust me" I spat

He laughed and shook his head.

"You're a funny one you are" He said

There was a knock on the door and the first guy that I had met came through. I still didn't know what his name was. I just had to refer to him as the guy from after the party. Anyway, he whispered something to the guy who had been speaking to me just now and they spudded each other.

"Goodluck bruh" He said and walked out, not before sending me a wink

I tutted and looked away. The guy from after the party looked at me and sat down.

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