Sleeping with the enemy - 2

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      Sleeping with the enemy - 2

I woke up in pure darkness. I tried to stretch but I couldn't. I was sat on a chair and my arms and legs were tied up. I tried to shake myself out of it, but it didn't work. The only thing in the room was a window which had been covered up. Only a tiny bit of light was coming through. It looked like it was very early in the morning. I knew exactly what was happening. Why? Because it had happened before. Which ever gang this was had a problem with my brothers. And this was their only way of getting their attention. By taking me. I hated how I was ALWAYS involved in my brothers' stupidness. I started jumping on the chair and making noise to get their attention. Stupid I know but I couldn't stand being in the dark tied up.





The door swung open and an angry black man walked in.

"Why the FXCK are you making up so much noise?" He shouted


"What makes you think im gonna do that?" He laughed

"WHAT do you want with me? WHAT have I done?" I sighed

"Lets just say, we need to teach your brothers a little lesson"

"What do I have to do with your stupidness?"

He grabbed me by my throat and looked me dead in the eye.

"I don't like the way you're talking little girl." He said .."All you need to know is that they owe us something. And until we get it.. YOU are OURS."

He let go aggresively and chuckled. There was a knock on the door and then it opened. A guy came in with food on a plate. He gave it to the guy who was with me and left the room.

"You hungry?" He asked me

I ignored him. He placed it on the floor in front of me.

"How the hell am I gonna eat it when it's on the floor and im on a chair tied up?" I said

He laughed again. "I like you una. You're fiesty. I like it" He said 

I simply kissed my teeth and waited for him to untie me.

Sleeping with the enemyWhere stories live. Discover now