Sleeping with the enemy - 10

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Chapter 10


I woke up the next day around midday. I got up stretching in the process. I felt my lip which had a little lump. I tutted and walked to the mirror. Hmm was visible but I guess it weren't that bad. I grabbed my stuff and headed into the bathroom and done the usual. After about 45 minutes I was out and dressed. I just wore one of my tracksuits. I tied my hair up on a ponytail as I ran down the stairs. I assumed I was home alone ..but I was wrong. I walked into the living room where Renell, Tyrese, Marcel and Akeira were chilling.

"What happened to your lip?" Tyrese asked

"Nuum" I said sitting with Akeira

"One yute try punch her up" Renell said

"WHAT? Who?" He said getting worked up

"I dnno man. Some yute from East"

"So what? you couldn't protect her nuh?" Ty said

"Talk about me like I'm not here why don't you" I said sarcastically

"Well he asked you a question in which you ignored" Ren said

"Renell shut up!" I said

"WHAT?" He said standing up. "Don't make me buss the other side of your lip"

"AY MAN. There's  no need for that. SIT DOWN!" Tyrese said

"Ay what's all the shouting for man?" Joshua said walking in.

Keira stood behind him. I realised she had let him in.

"Renell there's no need to talk like that- that's your little sister. Have some respect" He said


"And Tyrell watch your mouth. He's older than you so respect him"

I rolled my eyes. Josh spudded Ty and everyone sat down.

"But you man what happened yesterday man. That was hectic" He said

"Madness cuz" Marcel said "Couple informers told us that they were gonna roll up on Jases' yard. So we thought ..he's cool. We can't let that happen"

"Since when was Jase even a gangbanger?" Keira said once again thinking exactly what I was thinking

"He's not. But if we're short on mandem then he's down for us" Renell said

I zoned out after that. All they were talking about were their stupid gangs. And I ain't interested. I looked at the text that I'd just received from Jase.


Thanks for my present. Really appreciate it

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