Sleeping with the enemy - 5

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   Sleeping with the enemy -  5

It was the next morning and I was sat around the table in the kitchen with the boys. Renell had been screwing me all morning after what had happened yesterday. Tbh I don't really care. It's not my fault that Nathaniel's in my year AND in my tutor. I spent about an hour trying to explain to him that the only reason he had my number was for the task our head of year had asigned us to. I had igored his dumb comments all morning. I listened in to their conversations about a job that they had to do later on. Surely this meant none of them would be home which meant ..FREE YARD! I started grinning hard and took out my phone to text a couple people.

"This does not mean TYRELL ..that you can invite all your little friends over" Tyrese said

I looked up at him and screwed him. I erased the message, putting my phone on the table and carried on eating.

"Except for Akiera. She's calm. I'll text her later" Renell said.

"No you won't so Shut up."

"At least I'm honest about why I'm texting her. Not like you and Natha-"

I kicked him under the table to shut him up. He bit his lip and shook his head at me.

"Remember you done that" He said

Marcel and Tyrese looked so confused, but said nothing. Instead they carried on with their conversations. Phew! I got up and took my plate to the sink and ran upstairs to finish getting ready. I heard my phone vibrate on my bed. I looked at the text message I had just received from Nathaniel.

Free yard later. Meet me after colly


I rolled my eyes and put my phone in my bag. I got ready and left my room. I bumped into Renell in the process. He went straight to his room slamming the door in his face. I rolled my eyes and opened the door walking in.

"Renell WHAT is wrong with you?" I said

"Nothing" He said

He carried on getting ready and put his coat on. I grabbed him and turned him around.

"DON'T Grab me like that" He said shrugging me off

"Renell please don't be like this to me.. What have I done?" I said on the verge of tears. "I hate it when we fight"

Sleeping with the enemyWhere stories live. Discover now