Sleeping with the enemy - 3

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                   Sleeping with the enemy - 3

I wrapped my towel around my body and sneaked out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. I turned on my music as I took my time to cream my body.

"Oo i'm about to divee in!" I sang along to my baby as I went to my wardrobe and picked out todays attire.

I quickly got dressed and sat in front of the mirror to straighten my hair. I'm not the type of girl who takes hours to get ready. Just give me 20 minutes and I'm done. I made my way downstairs and sat with Renell and Marcel on the sofa. I'm guessing Tyrese is still asleep. Lazy boy.

"Have you eaten?" I asked Marcel

He nodded his head and went back to watching his cartoons. He's such a kid. I messaged Keira telling her to come to mine. I went into the kitchen and made me some cereal. I took it up to dad's office. He was sat at his desk on the phone sorting out some money. I swear i'm the only good and non suspicious one in this family. He got off the phone eventually and took a box full of money.

"You alright Princess?"

"Yep. Just felt like eating in here" I said

"Make sure you don't spill none of it on my floor"

"I won't man"

"Did Tyrese tell you he's picking you up from college today?" He said

"No.. why?" I asked

"Because I want to know that you're safe." He said

"But I am safe. I can go about by myself uno"

"You haven't even got a phone in case something happens" He said

"And who's fault is that?" I said

"Oi. Watch how you're talking" He said

"Sorry" I mumbled

"You can get a new phone on the weekend I told you this." He added

"Fine. Anyways i'm gonna finish getting ready. I don't wanna be late" I said

"Okay princess" I gave him a kiss and he stuffed a couple notes into my hand.

I heard the doorbell go off. Akeira. I ran into my room and got the rest of my stuff. I quickly fixed up in the mirror before rushing downstairs.

I went into the living room. Marcel was still watching his stupid cartoons.

"Where's Renell?" I asked him

"Kitchen .."

"And ..was that Keira that knocked on the door?"

"Yep.." He said

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the kitchen. Renell needs to leave the girl alone! I walked into the kitchen to find them laughing. They were a bit tooo close to each other though. I cleared my throat and raised my eyebrows.

"Erm ..Can I have my friend back please?" I said

She laughed and he screwed me. I dragged her away whilst he winked at her. KMT!


I sat in my tutor as bored as ever. It was tutor period and Nobody was listening to the teacher. Everyone was arguing with everyone. Keira wasn't even in my tutor. And the girls that I talked to weren't in. I sighed. What could I do? I didn't even have a phone!!! I fiddled with my fingers as I day dreamed.

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