Sleeping with the enemy - 8

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   Sleeping with the enemy - 8



"Ra'sharn baby what's wrong?" I said picking him up.

He had been crying for half an hour non stop!

"Is uncle Renell being a prick? Yes I bet he is" I said walking past him

He kissed his teeth and tried to kick me.

"Do you mind? I've got a baby in my hands. Kmt. Have some respect" I said

"Carry on talking like that and see if I don't box your clart. With or Without Ra'sharn in your hands" He said

"Oh shut up" I said

I smelt ra'sharn. Omg. He stank.

"When was the last time you changed him?" I asked renell

"I don't know. Like this morning or something."

I kissed my teeth and picked up his baby bag. I changed his nappies and changed his clothes. I placed him on his baby mat and put his dirty nappy in the bin. I ran upstairs and put on my coat and trainers. I needed to go to Nathans for his bit to make sure his work was all completed. 

"Ren Im gone." I said walking out of the living room

"Wait WHAT? Where you going?" He asked

"To my friends house" I said

"Why you always going to a friends house. Who is it? It better not be no boy" He said

"No it's Akeira! I need to go bye"


I rolled my eyes and stood by the door

"WHAT?!" I said

"Take Ra'sharn" He said

"What? No No No I can't-"

"She loves him off. There's no excuse" He said

"OMG! Why can't you do it?" I said

"Because I gotta go meet Tyrese. Sort out business"

"That's his dad, you can take him with you"

"You know we can't have him round our stuff you idiot"

"You boys actually piss me off. Kmt." I said

Sleeping with the enemyWhere stories live. Discover now