Sleeping with the enemy - 1

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"Nathan, I need to tell you something.." I said. I couldn't even hold my phone properly the way I was shaking

"Gwarn b, im listening. You know i've got you" He said. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Nath im pregnant.."

There was a long pause. A very long pause. I started to think about my life.. and how I had got to into this situation.. That's how long the pause was.

"Nathan? Nathaniel are you still there?"



"ARRRGH!" He groaned and hung up.

How did I end up like this? Because now my life is over...


Sleeping with the enemy - 1

I woke up in a rather happy mood. That's a first. I looked at the time. 7 am. I had an hour to get ready for college. Living with my brothers, I knew it would be impossible. I got up and stretched, and then grabbed my toiletries. I opened my bedroom door and so did all 3 of my brothers. Let me tell you a bit about them..

Marcel - He's 16. My cute little rugrat. Unfortunatetly he's following my brothers with the whole road life thing. The sad thing is, he's a very smart boy yet the way he's moving, he wants to throw his life away.. Anyways.

Then there is Renell who is 19. Very overprotective over me. Can be VERY annoying at times but I looove him! He's always there backing me and vice versa.

Lastly there's Tyrese. He's 22. The oldest of us all. The baitest one. The one with the cars, money, clothes, girls, houses everything. All through gang life obviously. But he hardly gets caught so its 'calm'. Well, so he says.

Anyway, My dad came upstairs as we all fought to get into the bathroom.

"Hey Hey What's going on here?" He said

"I need to get ready for college and these wastemen won't let me go into the bathroom first!" I moaned

"Wastemen yeah?" Marcel said

"Some of us have places to be" Renell said

"Where are you going at 7am in the morning you lazy prick" I said

"OI watch your mouth!" My dad said

We all kissed our teeth still trying to fight for the bathroom.

"My ones free anyways so-"

Before my dad could even finish his sentence Marcel and Renell were already down the stairs. Tyrese pushed me to the floor and said 'Sorry sis' before locking the bathroom door. I looked up at my dad pissed.

"1 house, 4 Guys, And 1 Girl.. Really dad?" I said

He shrugged and went back downstairs. I kissed my teeth and went back into my room. I sat on the bed opposite my mirror. I looked at myself, I had my dads eyes, nose and ears but I had my mums lips, dimples and long hair. Weird. My names Tyrell. Pronounced Terell. I live with my brothers and dad. Mum, she passed away years ago. It's not something I enjoy talking about. I'm 17 at the moment, gonna be 18 in a year. SHO! I was a mixture of jamaican and dominican, calm mix i'd say.

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