Chapter 25

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As we danced in the center of the dance floor it felt like I was floating on cloud 9. His hands were placed softly on my waisted as we swayed to the rhythm. Our swaying soon halted when Jerome and Morris came running over and snatched Prince backwards.

"Hey man you got a problem out in the hallway!" Morris said out of breath.

"Are you kidding me? Didn't you see us-" I added angrily but never got the chance to finish.

"We know but this is important! Denise is losing it out there with Rachel!"

I soon let go of Prince as stepped back a little.

"What's does Rachel have to do with this?" I asked.

"Don't know but y'all might wanna come out here and break this shit up!" Jerome replied before heading back towards the hall.

Prince and I looked at each other then ran out to see what was really going on. When he got out in the hall Denise was giving Rachel full body blows and wasn't stopping. Poor Rachel was down on the floor in the fetal position trying to cover herself from the hits.

"This is all your fault you stupid bitch!" Denise shouted at her as she kept punching at her.

Dropping my shoes on the floor I charged and knocked Denise off of my friend and pinned her down.

"Rachel! Move!" I scream as I put all of my weight onto Denise as she tried to get up.

Prince and Morris helped Rachel up from the floor and kept her at a distance. Denise was still trying to fight her way free the longer I had her down.

"Get off of me! Let me go!" Denise shouted at me as she continued to fight me off.

"No! You need to calm your ass down!" Morris chided at her.

"Shut up Day I got this!" I hissed back.

"This is all your friends fault! She sent my man to you!" Denise said to me.

"What are you talking about? Peter?" I asked confused.

"No Prince! He was mine! I was his date not you!"

Suddenly I let go of Denise's wrists and sat up. She wasted no time and pushed me off of her to the floor. When I looked up at her she was looking at Prince with teary eyes and ruined makeup.

"Why? How could you?" She whispered as she looked up at him.

"He could because he really doesn't like you!" Rachel teased.

  "Stop Rache! Not cool!" I shouted at her angrily.

I extended my hand out the Denise to show her that I'm on her side in all of this. She reluctantly grabbed on and for a moment I thought that things were turning around when she gave me a small grin and squeezed my hand tightly. What I wasn't ready for was Denise yanking me down to the floor with the force of what felt like a thousand men and climbing over me and trying to best be up for no reason. Before she was able to land the first punch Andre swooped down like a hawk and lifted her off of me with just one arm.

  "I don't know what drugs your on girl but you need to slow ya damn roll with all this violence!" He said to her setting her upright in a corner.

Prince and Morris helped me up from the floor and handed me my shoes.

  "What the hell was all that for?!?! I was trying to be nice to you!" I asked her angrily.

  "You were taking my boyfriend away from me you selfish bitch!" Denise scolded.

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