Chapter 24

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Peter came over with a huge plate of cookies and the cups of juice with a big smile.

"I figured you could use something to snack on to. You alright?" He asked as he sat down beside me.

"Yes! I'm great! Let's dance!" I said before I downed my drink and shoved two cookies in my mouth like I've never had a cookie ever in my life.

Grabbing Peter by the wrist I forcefully pulled him out of his seat and dragged him to the dance floor into the crowd. I made sure there was no way for Prince to see us dancing together. He should be more focused on his slutty date instead of what me and Peter are doing. We danced for a while and went of to mingle with his friends. Peter was actually pretty popular for a preacher's son. He was friends with jocks as well as the kids that the other kids thought to be geeks. Me and Rachel and I fell in the middle category. We weren't geeky but we weren't athletic either. We were just.....regular. Peter was what I would call advance regular. He was cool with everyone and everyone was cool with him. That's how he liked it. He was never the type who felt like his friends owed him. He was a jokester but he knew when he had to buckle down and get serious. We were getting along well when someone on the far side of the gym caught his attention. I looked behind me to see what he was looking at. It wasn't so much of a what....but more of a who. A red head girl in a lime green dress with her hair curlier than mine even on it's worst day was sitting alone at a table nursing her fruit punch. She looked a little sad. Almost like someone had stomped on her heart a few times. She was really pretty and I think she's on the school's cheer team. I've seen her a few times with the Pom poms on the field but I never saw her cheer. She might just me a junior coach.

  "Regan I'll be right back." Peter said.

  "I'll come with you!" I replied.

He didn't question it he just let me come along. When we got to her table Peter sat across from her and she looked up at him for a split second then turned away. My first thought was she has a crush on him and she's jealous that he's here with me. Then she looked up at me and shook her head.

  "I hope you know what your getting yourself into. Peter is a dog!" She shouted at be above the music.

I looked over at a rather embarrassed Peter as his peach color was glowing a more red shade.

  "Really Shelby? I'm a dog but you kissed a guy under the bleachers last week! Who dogged who now? Huh?" He snapped.

Shelby never looked at him she just let out a huff and shook her head.

  "That doesn't matter Pete I was mad at you for breaking up with me and I wanted to get you back! You didn't have to act like I didn't exist after that and I told you I was sorry! What more did you want???"

  "I wanted you to stop acting like a child and own up to what you did Shelby Jane!"

Oh boy! And I thought Prince and I had issues! This is a whole different plateau of relationship drama that I never saw coming. Not even for Peter. He looked like the type who would get a girlfriend when he got to college. Not in high school. Standing at the table listening to the two of them bicker back and forth I figured it was time for me to speak up and say something instead of spectating.

  "Ummm....if I may....can I just ask what your so snippy with me for? Not trying to be nosy or anything but I'm just his date. That's all. I don't know much about you and your....issues with him but my name is Regan and I've know Peter since elementary school. He asked me to the formal and I said yes. Is that what it is? He asked me? Not you?" I said to Shelby.

She just stared at me and it gave me the answer to my question. She looked like she wanted to run away and bawl her eyes out. I actually felt a little bad for her because high school love can suck when it come crashing to a halt. I looked over and Peter and he looked confused as I smiled and tilted my head in Shelby's direction. I sighed and handed Peter my corsage.

  "I think I'm the wrong owner Pete. She needs this more than I do." I said and placed it in his hands.

Peter looked up at me and I can tell in his face he was asking why.

  "But.....Regan.....We were-" he started.

  "It's better this way. She's your girl. And if I know you well enough you need to work things out with her. I'm sure she's special to you." I said.

Shelby looked over at Peter and then looked at me.

  "You said your name was Regan?" She asked.

  "Yeah. Nice to meet you Shelby." I replied putting my hand out.

Shelby stood and shook my hand and then pulled me in for a hug.

  "Thank you." She whispered to me before she let go.

I wasn't expecting her to hug me after she initially wanted to chop my head off for being her ex boyfriends date.

  "Well Pete what are you waiting for. Courage her and dance with your girl." I said with a smile.

I took a few steps back and watched as Peter took the corsage and slipped it on Shelby's tiny arm. The he took her by the hand and led her to the dance floor. I waited a moment until I could see them anymore to sit lonely in Shelby's seat and watch everyone else have a good time. I felt my eyes welling with tears as the slower songs began to play and couples were embracing each other and dancing. I didn't want anyone to see me crying so I dropped my head looking at the floor when all of a sudden my eyes caught sight of two small black suede heeled boots and white flared pants.

  "Mouse? You alright?" I heard a deep voice say.

I looked up and he was standing in front of me with a sad look on his face. Before I could say anything he took my hand and pulled my body from the seat. He took me in his arms and wiped my tears with his thumbs.

  "I saw what you did. You're a good friend Regan." He said as we slowly danced to the music.


  "Don't talk. Just dance with me. We can talk later."

Prince gave me a gentle smile as he looked in my teary eyes. Laying my head on his chest I could hear the sound of his beating heart over the music. Honestly I could listen to his heartbeat forever. I'm just glad he's here to keep the sadness away. As he held me closer to him he kissed the top of my head and rested his chin there. At that moment I knew that our friendship was going to be something different.

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