Chapter 3

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As I laid on my bed with my face buried in my pillow crying my eyes out Prince knocked on the door and jiggled the handle.

  "Come on Mouse let me in." He said from the other side.

  "Go away!" I yelled back.

  "I'm not leaving until we work this out."

I didn't respond. I just kept crying.

  "Don't you think this is a bit melodramatic? You can't tell someone you like them and then turn around and not wanna see them anymore."

  "What do you care? I'm jealous remember?"

  "I said that because you slammed the door in my face!"

  "Because I hate you."

  It got quiet for a minute and I was hoping he'd left but to my dismay he was still outside making beats on my bedroom door. He knew exactly what he was doing and I wasn't buying it. However Prince always had a good memory and he know where the skeleton keys are. One is just above the door. I heard the click of my lock and the door slowly swung open with Prince standing in the doorway with a smile on his face. Sitting up as I watched the door I was trying to keep my secrets happiness to see him hidden by my anger but I failed big time.

  "So who lying like a cheap rug now?" He asked twisting the key against his index finger.

"What do you want?" I questioned with a sour tone in my voice.

  "What I want is for you to tell me what it is with you? We had such a good time today what happened?"

"You pissed me off!"

  "We already established that mama." Prince replied deeply with a grin.

I let out a deep breath and laid back down on my bed with the back of my head now laying in the sogginess of my pillow. Prince crawled into bed and laid beside me running his long slender digits through one of my curls.

"Didn't Mrs. B teach you not to touch a girl's hair?" I hissed at him.

"What? It's soft! It's a comfort thing for me."

"I bet it is. Why don't you go play in the new girl's hair. Since you think I'm jealous and all."

Prince smiled and let out a small laugh from his chest.

"Come on mouse don't be like that."

"Be like what? You made me feel like a fool!"

"You made yourself feel like a fool. You were the one that told me that you liked me. The question of it all is why?"

All of a sudden I couldn't come clean and tell him the real reason why so I did what I thought would work. I "adjusted" the truth a little.

"I.....I.....I guess....I....was....practicing! You know? Sometimes you have to give yourself a little confidence so when you actually have to tell someone you like them you won't feel like shit."

I was hoping he would buy my shit story but judging by his face I really couldn't tell. His stare was as blank as the wall behind him. I wish he was more readable like Rachel. He finally blinked his eyes and a smiled showed on his cheeks a little. He raised a brow and grabbed my hand.

  "You my dear....are a terrible liar." He said in a deep low voice.

Shit! He didn't buy it at all. Prince reached in his pocket and pulled out the necklace that I tore off and tossed at him.

  "Regan listen. If you were caught up in the moment of us being alone in my room just say so. It's happens to me all the time when we're alone together. You have to lie to me about it. You also don't have to fuck up a good friendship either." Prince said with a bit of his ego seeping into his statement.

  "Oh yeah? And whys that?" Questioning him as I tilt my head slightly to show him that the fact that he thinks he joe cool was not impressing.

  "Because as good as it gets mama. You ain't never gonna find somebody like me in a million years. You can't hold a candle to me with anybody else."

I swear he's so cocky it's embarrassing. However he did just manage to make me laugh so he gets to keep his bonus points in the happy department. I decided to lay back on the bed with him and enjoy looking up at the stars on my ceiling. Then I realized....Prince is in my room.

  "Hold up! How did you get up here without my mom seeing you?" I asked confused.

Prince turned and smiled at me and his eyes had a twinkle in them that I only see when he's done something that he knew he shouldn't have.

  "I told her I was leaving and came back in through the back door while she went to the bathroom." Prince whispered with a grin.

  "You what!?! Get the fuck outta here asshole before we get caught! What were you thinking?!?!?" I said in a low voice jumping quickly out of bed.

He knows damn well this rule is only broken when my mom is not home. If she happens to come upstairs and sees us laying in the bed my jive ass will never see the lift of day ever again.

  "You gotta get the hell outta here!" I said pulling him out of my bed and shoving him towards the door."

  "Regan why?!?!"

  "You know why stupid!"

Just as I opened my door I heard footsteps coming towards the top of the second floor followed by a soft call of my name.

  "Regan? Are you alright? I thought I heard you talking to someone!"

Oh....shit! Now we're in trouble. I closed the door quickly and pulled Prince to the window.

  "Here! Go!" I said flipping the curtain off to the side so he can climb out.

Prince looked out the window and then back at me. He looked at me as if I went mad.

  "I'm am NOT climbing out the fucking window! Are you serious?"

  "Oh stop bitching it's not like your gonna die. The shed is just below my window. You'll love to see another day....just....get a tetanus shot just in case."

  "Do what?!?!?!"

  "Come on I'm taking the fall for you!"

I could hear my mom come closer and and my heart was pounding furiously.

  "Regan? Baby?" I heard her say as she reached for door knob.

I turned to him with wide eyes and I was starting to sweat bullets.

  "Please! Go! Now!" I pleaded.

Prince looked very scared and frankly I didn't blame him. One miss step and he'd be spending the rest of the night in the hospital. I heard my mom knock on the door  and just as the door swung open I closed my eyes and said a prayer as Prince swallowed hard. We both knew for certain we were caught. We can kiss our Sunday goodbye.

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