Chapter 19

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It turns out that I learned a lot about Peter and his folks during our 10 minute walk. Peter has the same common interests that I do! We both love pizza and burgers. We both have just about the same taste in collecting vinyls and both of our fathers were in the service. One thing he was too embarrassed to mention because he felt as if being raised by a strict father was going to turn him into a robot. When we started to talks about our relationships with our parents I got a little quiet and he didn't understand why I suddenly stopped talking.

  "Did I say something wrong Mouse?" He asked me as he nudged me with his elbow while we walked.

  "No you didn't. It's dad....."

Then it hit him and he remember and felt awful.

  "Awwww shit. Mouse....I' I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I remember my mom telling me about that a few years ago. We don't have to-"

I quickly interrupted him so I could reassure him that it wasn't his fault.

  "At least you still have you're dad to disagree with. The last time me and my dad had a disagreement was when he made pancakes and said that they were 'the best in town'. He hit the roof when I told him that mom's were better."

Peter laughed which in turn caused me to laugh with him. I guess laughter really is the best medicine because I wasn't as sad when it came to not having my dad around anymore. From then on our conversations went from our family life to what we wanted to do when we graduated high school. I guess you can say that our parents had the right idea of instilling the want to go to college in us. The only difference was that my mom had enrolled me into kindergarten a year early. That was my father's idea. He always said that I was too smart for my own good. Since my birthday fell before the cut off date of enrollment and with proper testing the district let me go to school at the age of 4. I was the youngest and the smallest girl in my class. I didn't know anybody on the first day except one person. That one person was Prince. Thanks to my dad I'll be graduating high school a year early with all of my friends. At least.....almost all of them. As we laughed ourself across the street and on the grounds of the school Peter had offered to open the door for me.

  "After you my dear!" He happily festered with a bow.

  "Thank Pete! A real gentleman to the tee." I replied walking inside to see the hustle and bustle of all the other kids both upper and lower classmen.

Peter met up with me and let out a loud hum.

  "I'll be psyched when the summer come back round." He said to me.

  "You ain't never lied." I said back to him.

  "Well I guess I better split. I have lab first period and I can't be late. Old bug eyed Boswell called my dad and told him about me getting to his class late and if I get one more call home my dad is gonna waterboard me."

I flinched as I let out a hard hiss from my lips.

  "I guess you weren't kidding about your dad being strict." I told him.

  "I wish I was. He means a harsh military way. But hey we'll catch up later. Thanks for walking with me....and for being so nice."

Peter gave me quick hug goodbye and off he went down the hall to his next first period class. I can tell he wanted to go to homeroom instead but to prevent what I feel is cruel and unusual punishment it was for his own good. Once he was out of sight a smile crept on my face as I thought about what he said about me being so nice. I guess you can say it's a gift and a curse but he only knows my surface. I'm glad he doesn't know what's underneath it because the real Regan isn't as nice and sweet and he thinks. Shaking my head as I thought about what he'd think once he got to know the real me out of the corner of my eye I noticed someone. The cologne that made me nearly go into a sneezing fit lead me to believe that it was none other than Andre SIMON Anderson. Now that the nice and sweet Regan ran for cover the real Regan reared her ugly head temporarily.

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