Chapter 15

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Sunday morning I stayed in my room until I could feel my stomach eating away at myself. I was alone in the house since my mom had to work a double shift last night and I had to fend for my own breakfast which was fine but I was really wishing that she was here to make those extra fluffy pancakes she used to make when daddy was alive. Every sunday was a big pancake breakfast with bacon, eggs, orange juice, mixed fruit, grits, toast, and sausage patties. Back then the house was full of food and all of us kids. All of us kids meaning Prince, Andre, Morris, and Jerome. Dez didn't get the chance to partake in the big sunday breakfast but we had always told him about it and he woud always get excited that one day he would have someone in his life to make him a breakfast like that. However I wasn't in much of a mood to see the guys today. I'd preferred to say home and sulk in my own embarrassment. When I got downstairs the bright September sun was shining brightly but I didn't feel so warm and bright on the inside. I can't believe I told Prince to kiss me! Why does he make me feel these things? I'm not supposed to "like" him like this.He's like an older brother to me that used to live next door and now chashes in my tree house from time to time when ever he's pissed off about something and needs someone to talk to. Telling him that I like him and telling him to kiss me is outside of my means to friendship. While I thought about how bad i made myself feel and look in front of Prince I found myself staring at a note stuck to the refridgerator door from my mom.

"Sorry I won't be here for breakfast. There's pancake mix in the cabinet. Have some of that fruit that I made for you on friday. See you at dinner. Love mom."

I pulled the note from under the magnet and ran my hand across the flawless cursive writing on the paper and it made me smile. My mom always left little notes for me all the time when she wasn't home. To me it was like a comfort mechanism. She was here but she wasn't here at the same time. Placing the note on the counter I opened the huge green door to the fridge and grabbing the glass bowl with its fresh and sweet contents of strawberries, blueberries and apples I sat it on the counter and close the door with my foot. Then I got my favorite sea blue bowl from the cabinet and took five huge scoops of the fruit and dumped it into my bowl.

"Damn! I can't eat this without a topping!" I said to myself.

I shuffled my way back to the fridge with there was a loud knock on the back door. The knock was so hard and so loud that I could have swore the the cops were trying to break my door down. I went to the door and looked throught the curtain to find a tiny blonde girl standing on the back step. She face the door and smiled at me with the hardest grin.

"Open up!" She said as she waved.

Shaking my head I let out a huff of hot air and unlocked the door and swiftly pulling it open finding Rachel dressed in a full denim outfit with a pink tee shrit with a decal of a kitten covered in glitter underneath the jacket.

"Rachel? Why are you here so early and more importantly......please tell me that you didn't get that stupid shirt from a kitten convention." I repled to her just to be a smart ass.

Rachel stopped smiling and squinted her eyes at me flipping me off in the process.

"Don't be such a grumpy old bitch Regs! Besides I really like this shirt. I've had it since last year when I went to Oklahoma to visit my nana and granddaddy for summer vacation. I would have brought you one too but I know how much you hate things that are cute and fluffy."

Rachel sometimes drips so much sarcasm when she comes over its almost too much for me to bare. It does make me smile to know that she really doesn't care what comes out of her mouth. I wish I could be more like her sometimes but unlike her I give a damn about a persons feelings because I guess I was born normal. As Rachel came inside I noticed that she was eyes my bowl of fruit on the counter from the door.

"You gonna eat that?" She asked as I can see her mouth salivating.

I simply rolled my eyes and pushed her out of my way so I can save my small toppingless breakfast from her greedy clutches.

"Yes bitch you can make your own if you want to. There's clean bowls in the cabinet." I said to her with a laugh.

"HEY! That was not nice!"

"What calling you a bitch or making you get your own fruit?"

"Both! That's no way to treat a guest in your home."

"Rachel lets be honest. You're no longer considered a guest if you've been to someones house more that twice since you've known them. You have been coming here for over a year driving me batty and eating my food since last school year. You can make your own fruit. Bitch."

The faux shock on her face was enough to not only make me burst into a hysterical laugher but make her laugh to the point that she was turning red in the face from laughing so hard.

"Thats why I love you Regs. Your brutal honesty is just so.......groovy!" She said as sh reached for a bowl and began filling it with fruit.

"Yeah well.......after what happened last night I'm not sure how groovy I'm feeling."

"Why? What happened? Didn't you go to the show last night? I called your phone and your mom picked up and told me thats were you were. I called pretty late hoping you'd be back by the time I called but since your mom beat you home I figured I'd ask her why you weren't there. I hope you don't mind."

"No I kinda wanted to be back by then but Mr. John showed up at Prince's show and flustered him in the beginning. I don't know what happened after that but me and the rest of the guys left them alone to talk for a while and Prince never came out to meet us after his dad left the club upset and sped away. So I went to go back stage in the dressing rom and check on him. He was upset about whatever him and his dad were talking about and I sat with him a while and talked to him. Then I got up and left the dressing room but......"

"But what?" Rachel asked me as she went into the fridge looking for the whipped cream can.

I paused for a moment and looked down at my toppingless fruit bowl and began to relive the nightmare that I've been avoiding the whole morning.

"But I never left. I waited out in the hallway and asked him to kiss me in an act of being spontaneous."

Rachel's eyes lit up like fireworks on the fouth of July and while my eyes were stuck on her face my ears could hear the loud gasp she made along with the sound of her over spraying the whipped cream on her fruit.

"REGS!!!!! What happened after that????"She exclaimed while she still kept spraying the whipped cream.

I had to yell at her to get her to snap out of it and pay attention to what she was doing.


Rachel soon realized that the friut was not buried under a white cloud of cream and she giggled a little.

"Whoops! Sorry about that!" She said.

Rachel went into the silverware drawer and pulled out two spoons. One for her and one for me. She brought them along with her bowl to the table and sat down.

"Here take some of this. I can tell that you need this more than I do." She replied scooping the topping onto my fruit.

"I don't want youto judge me.....ok? Promise?" I asked her in a sad and pleading tone.

"Regan you are like my sister and I'm never one to judge. Just tell me what happened and we'll figure out the rest later."

Rachel scooped some fruit onto her spoon and started eating. After feeling more comfortable I did the same and once we were done we cleaned up and went up to my room for my threrapy session to help me get over my fear of seeing Prince tomorrow morning at school.

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