Chapter 17

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The moment I was dreading had come kicking and screaming though my alarm clock. I was hoping that if I played my cards right I could fake the stomach flu and tell my mom that I don't feel well and she'll cave and let me stay home. Slapping my head down hard on the metal bells on my clock and tossing it into my laundry basket I let out a loud grunt and tossed my covers back over my head and tried to go back to sleep. That was one of my biggest fails because right on cue like a well oiled machine my mom opens the door and starts singing the partridge family theme song.

  "Come on Mouse get up and get happy!" She said beaming from ear to ear.

  "I don't wanna. There's nothing happy about a Monday." I groaned.

  "Regan Michelle get up and get ready for school. You're not gonna ruin my plans."

I flipped the covers down from my face and looked at her disgruntled and baffled.

  "Mama you go to work and come home just so you can go back to work again. You don't have any plans." I scoffed.

Mama turned to me and placed her hands on her hips with her lips pursed tightly as she glared at me.

  "Listen little girl. You don't know anything about what I do because you never ask. Since you think I just work I do way more that that honey."

  "Yeah? Like what?" I hissed.

  "" She said popping her hip out a little harder at me.

I quickly shot up in my bed nearly blinding myself with my own messy bedhead curls.

  "What? Since when!?!?!?" I yelled.

  "Since Saturday night! Girl why must you be so nosy?" Mama giggled.

  "Because! You never date!" I replied in excitement.

I was waiting for the day when my mom said that she was ready to get back out there. She's been so sad and always at work that she never once made time for herself. I was so afraid that she would never get over the loss of daddy that she would lock herself away from the world. Even Andre's mom had told her that she needed to find someone to make her happy again and she had always refused. I guess now she was finally ready. Getting out of bed and standing beside her I looked my mom in her eyes and I can see that she was happy to be dating again but there was something else that was hidden beneath that glow. She was feeling guilty.

  "Mama I know that look and you need to let it go." I told her.

She gave me a confused look as her smile began to fall a little.

  "Let what go?" She asked me.

  "You feel guilty. Like your doing daddy wrong or something."

  "Oh girl stop-"

"Mama you know I'm right."

My mom closed her eyes and sighed. I grabbed her hands and squeezed tightly. She opened her eyes and I can tell she was ready to break down but she wouldn't allow herself to.

  "Mama? You need this. We both do. You don't need to be cooped up in the house all alone and I don't like thinking that when I leave that you're crying and missing daddy. It's time that you find love again. You did kinda earn it after all."

My mom laughed and pulled me into a tight hug.

  "Oh Regan. Since when did you become so wise? I didn't think you'd be ok with me seeing other men."

  "Mama I can't have you all the time. And too much of you is annoying. So get out there and get a good man that makes you look like....well how you looked a few minutes ago. Not the ready eyed mess that you are right now."

Me and my mom laughed as she hugged me again.

  "Thank you my little mouse. Now....."

She let me go and went over to my closet pulling out an outfit for me to wear to school.

  "Get your butt off to school. I have to get to work and I don't want you making me late." She said and hurried out of my room and down the hall to hers.

  "Wait! What's for breakfast?" I shouted going to the doorway.

  "French toast and bacon now stop flapping your gums and get dressed or you won't have time to eat."

And she's back! It's good that my mom is dating again. I think daddy would want her to. Staying alone isn't healthy for her or me. It's good that she's happier now because as much as she works she needs to have a little fun. You know what? I think it's time I have a little fun too! To hell with worrying about Prince and his feelings. At this point if he didn't believe me the second time I told him how I felt he'll never believe me. Denise can have him! I ran into the bathroom across the hall and showered quickly. After covering my body head to toe in some floral scented lotion I dressed and decided to put on a little makeup. While I was in the shower I did a little wash and go with my curls and slapped some moose to them to give them a little luster. Grabbing my book I put on my shoes and headed down to the kitchen for breakfast. My mom was just setting my spot at the table when she looked up at me and was surprised to see me so done up for school.

  "Well geez Mouse you're only going to school not on a date! What's with all this! Makeup and curls all done up. Who's the boy?" She joked.

  "Mama there is no boy. I just wanted to look nice today that's all. The last few days I've been a little down and since you have a glow I think I should too."

  "Well good for you Mouse!" She cheered handing me my glass of orange juice.

I ate my breakfast and cleaned up my spot then my mom and I headed out the door. She gave me a kiss then got in the car and drove to work. I started my six block journey to school in hopes that I would get there without incident. Just when I thought I was going on this trip alone I heard a low voice calling my name.

  "Hey! Mouse! Wait up!"

I stopped in my tracks and said a prayer. This better not be who I've been trying to avoid. Please God. Don't let this be Prince.

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