Chapter 17: Silas

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That night after the celebration, Kara and Elijah had to stay to thank all the guests for coming. It was funny to Kara, all the males went to her and females to Elijah.

They would hold her hand or rub her cheeks. She didn't like it, but she also did not want to be rude. Most of the males were very respectful. Some not so much, Silas was one of those males.

With Elijah busy with an older female, he chose the perfect time to get close to her.

He walked up to her with a confident predatory stare, that unnerved Kara, as she never had a male look at her like besides Elijah.

"Hello Kara." He said taking his time to look at the young ripe female. Unafraid of Elijah interrupting due to the older female asking him for help to her car.

Looking around, she couldn't see any of her pride males due to the crowd at the door.

"Hi, thank you for coming to my celebration." She said in a rush, hoping to hurry him along.

"Oh, it's no problem. I love coming to these things. What about you?" He said in his deep husky voice.

"What about me?" Kara asks unsure as to what he talking about.

"Coming Kara, do you like coming to these celebrations?" He said with a smirk, it was clear she was very nervous talking with him.

"Coming?" Kara squeaked, then laughed blushing.

Stupid, she was so stupid.

"I've never been to a celebration before, this is my first time."

"Oh, I do like first times, maybe you should come to my pride. I'll make sure you have plenty of experience before you leave." He told her, his voice dropping to a deep low growl.

Kara was pretty sure he wasn't talking about Coming of Age parties anymore. Blushing harder at his innuendos, she tried to get him to move along and leave.

"Well, I'm not to sure how my pride would feel about that, but thank you for the invitation. You have a nice night Silas."

"You wouldn't have to worry about your pride Kara, you would have bigger things to deal with." Silas said with a laugh.

Kara laughs a little nervously, wishing Elijah would hurry the fuck up with that old lady.

"Um, okay have a nice night." She looks around for someone else to talk too.


Hello from the other side?


Fuck! Cue awkward silence. He is still standing there looking at her with a smile, that is starting to creep her out.

"Do I make you uncomfortable Kara? I'm sorry it wasn't my intention. You smell so good I couldn't help myself. I hope you have a nice night as well."

He leans in to hug her close, bringing her extremely close to his body. She could feel every ridge of this males body, he was very well-endowed. As he leans away a shock goes through Kara, when he lightly licks the left side of her neck.

Jerking back she looks at him with wide eyes, his eyes turn amber as he inhales her scent. "You could be mine Kara, we have a connection."

Not sure how that's possible, she didn't know what to say besides. "I have Elijah, and I'm happy where I'm at."

"Elijah is a cub Kara, I could give you so much-"

"Elijah is right here, and I'm most certainly not a cub. Move along Silas, you heard her. She is happy here with me." Elijah growls out, flashing fang at him for daring to try to take his female.

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