Chapter 12: Pantry Power

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Fourteen day till her birthday.

Kara was hiding from the Ayre family, with only two weeks left to go her heat pushed Elijah and her to the limits. He kept her in the room for three days before he even thought to leave.

Elijah teased her body, making her beg him constantly to take her, but he wouldn't. Elijah said she wasn't ready for that yet, and she was grateful he kept saying no because the truth was she wasn't ready to have sex yet with him.

The fourth day he whined and teased her body, until she begged him to go back into the room. Shaking her head at herself for hiding in the pantry, she honestly didn't know what to do.

Elijah's family understanding what was happening, brought them food during those few days. Kara was skinny, even she admitted that, but she had lost a few pounds since she met Elijah.

She was trying to gain the weight back, but with her body burning through everything she ate, she couldn't keep up. She ate everything she could get her greedy hands on, mostly she craved red meat the fresher the better.

It didn't matter though, Kara was starving. She felt like she could eat a herd of elephants by herself and still want dessert after. Demi explained to her earlier the day before, that it was normal for her to get this hungry.

It was her body's way of making sure she didn't waste away during her heat, as she wouldn't want to eat or drink anything. Well drink any water that is, for the five days of her heat cycle. That was a very awkward conversation to have with his mother.

As Demi went into every graphic detail about a female Tau's heat. Demi even asked her about her previous sexual relationships! Kara was still blushing about that, as Demi found out she was still a virgin. She didn't think Kara was, due to it being popular in human society to lose it early.

As such, she was pushing Kara into making it a True Coming of Age ceremony. The females in Elijah's pride all had one, and Demi really wanted to give her one. Not having a daughter of her own, Demi adopted Kara as her female cub in the pride.

Kara not really knowing what to say, choked up on emotions as she cried her eyes out. When Andreas found this out he fussed at Demi, not really wanting to upset the two females by telling them no.

This would put a bigger target on Kara's back, for Demi was Andreas's mate and that meant Andreas, by default adopted Kara as well.

Being King had a lot of perks, but the down sides was roaming nomadic males would sometimes challenge Andreas for a higher position.

Now more than ever Kara had to be aware, as she was the only female of the King's in the Xerxes Pride. Between Andreas fussing at her, Demi trying to get her to pick this or that for the ceremony, and Elijah trying to kidnap her and take her back to the room she felt like she was Africa's most wanted.

Looking around the pantry, Kara found a box of chocolate cookies. Grabbing them she sits down and opens the box, taking a bite and sighing at the chocolate-y goodness.

That was how Ami found her, Ami was Demi's lead huntress and would always stay by her side. As female lions they got the food for the pride to eat, whether it was going to the store or out hunting that was part of a lioness's job.

"Sweetheart what are you doing in here?" She said laughing at Kara in understanding. Amelia came with two other females two days ago. So the three females knew exactly what was happening with Kara and the Arye family.

"Shh please Ami I don't want them to find me, I just want to eat and not have to do this or that or get mauled by Elijah." She sighs out loud frustrated at not being able to have alone time.

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