Chapter 14: Betrayed

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Deprived of feeling or responsiveness.

The word and it's definition accurately described how Kara felt. She just stared at Elijah with a blank face. He didn't pick her, Bethany did. Tany her best friend and the only person she ever got close to, told him to pick her.

"No, you're lying" No emotion in her voice just a statement of Kara's belief.

"You're wrong, Tany would never do that to me. She would never tell you to pick me, knowing what you would do." Tears slide down her face, forcing emotions back inside a numb body.

Elijah says nothing, knowing he fucked up and was unable to fix it. He watches her get off his lap, just standing there not really focusing on anything. Tears fall harder down his females little face, punishing him for his angry words.

"Tell me, you are lying Elijah. Please, tell me you are lying." Kara's body is trembling from her trying to keep her emotions in check.

What else can this male take from her or ruin? Kara feels like glass, slowly cracking only to fall piece by piece on floor to be stepped on by him. She brings her arms up to encircle her body, to ward of the cold words Elijah is saying.

Gathering his female close, he starts to rub her back to comfort her. "I'm sorry my little female, but it's true. When I went there to find her, she had already chosen a male for herself. I was pissed, because I went all that way for nothing. She chose another knowing my family had talked to hers about a pairing."

He picks Kara up and gets in the bed, cuddling her close as great big sobs explode out of her. Rubbing her back with one hand and the other sinking into her hair to massage and comfort, he waits for her to calm somewhat.

"I told her about our families agreement, but she didn't care. The female wouldn't change her mind. She told me to pick a female at the party, she even mentioned you specifically. I was so pissed off I left the party, and walked out of the cabin. I didn't want them, I wanted what our family agreed to. When I saw you by the lake, smelling so strongly of Bethany, I got curious about you. "Sighing at himself, Elijah realizes how to stupid he was for allowing himself to get that angry over a female.

"When I walked up to you I didn't realize you were human, as you smelt almost entirely of Bethany. I thought about taking you as retribution for her breaking the agreement. When we touched and the spark shocked us, it was perfect, like it was meant to be. I didn't need Bethany when I could have you."

Kara doesn't believe that her friend would do that, but listens to what Elijah has to say.

"I didn't know until a day or so later that you was human. I called my father and told him what happened, he said I couldn't allow you to live knowing what you knew then. He said he was coming with my brothers to make sure everything happened the way it should. I would not kill you, I couldn't kill you. With your sweet little face and small feet in the water you shocked me more than once that night."

He shudders at the thought of her pale face lying dead in the woods. He knew he could get in trouble for biting her, but it was worth it to him.

"So I did the only thing I could think of to save you. I bit you, hoping you would make it and turn into a Tau. I bit you knowing Andreas was coming to kill you, if you wasn't one of us. I bite you, taking a risk in trying to turn you as human's haven't been turned in a long time. Through all of that, it was worth it to me because of you. If you didn't turn and somehow made it during the change, I would've went nomadic to keep you."

Rubbing his head against her for his own comfort, Elijah knows he will get hell for all this. He just wants her to understand how he feels, to give him a chance.

"That week watching you turn into your cat for the first time, was the worse experience I've ever been through. But as cliché as this sounds, I would do it again in a heartbeat just to keep you, just so you could have that chance to live Kara. I may have taken you through anger Kara, but I will keep you, to care for and cherish for the rest of our lives. I don't want Bethany and I don't care if she chose a different male, you are mine now and I will always be yours."

"Please give me a chance Kara, pick me, chose me and I will make you happy I promise." Elijah said softly finally explaining everything to the little female that stole his heart. Laying back in the bed he gives her space to think, just watching her little face as it her mind processes everything. She couldn't believe his words about Tany, saying to take her. It just didn't make sense to her. Out of the five years together Bethany never showed any hatred or malice towards Kara.

Kara didn't really know how to feel about any of this, she could understand that he was angry about Bethany because Tany could be selfish on occasion. But it was just so over the top to take her when, she herself did nothing to him.

"Elijah, I don't know if I can give you a chance to be too honest. I get that you didn't want to kill me, but this all could've been avoided if you didn't kidnap me. Then way you acted in that cabin, I don't know if I can forgive you for that. If you was me, could you give someone a chance to hurt you again when they proved that they could do it so easily already?"

Elijah ducked his down, and was silent for a few minutes. She was right, it wasn't right or fair for him to ask her to give him a chance. If it was him, he would kill the person with no questions asked. Hell, Elijah has killed males for this very reason before. He was Kara's bad guy, He was her tormentor, and he ruined her life.

"No Kara I wouldn't give someone a chance like that to hurt me again." He whispered.

Kara pulled back from him, surprised he would say that after he just asked her to understand. She couldn't understand him, he was all over the place all time. Going back and forth between nice to cruel, understanding to pleading for her to understanding. It was enough to make her head spin.

"So why ask me?" Kara said softly.

"I know I fucked up Kara and I know I hurt you, but I will never be that male again. You don't understand what I'm saying about that, but please I'm begging you, and I will get down on knee's if I have to, for you to give me one more chance. I will prove myself to you, and I will show you I can be what you need."

She didn't understand, but then she still didn't understand herself either. She didn't know what was driving him to do those things, and Kara could relate if it was his cat pushing him to do something. Her cat pushed her to do things she didn't think she would ever be able to do normally.

Kara blushes bright red at those thoughts, she was a naughty girl, and she liked what he did. Shaking her head at herself and her cat for sending dirty images, Kara thinks on what he said. Elijah wouldn't feel sorry about what he did, he would never say sorry for trying to protect her.

Even if though it was his fault in the first place, he did what he did, and he fixed it to the best of his ability. Her cat would not let her pick someone else, she made that perfectly clear. She thought he was the best male to protect her, and she already had a pride she fit well into.

Elijah still watching her see's her blush, and shake her head. He grins a little, wondering about what the little female was thinking couldn't help but tease her. "What has my little female blushing?"

Blushing harder, Kara didn't know what to say. "Nothing" She squeaks out when Elijah raises an eyebrow at her.

He laughs at her then sobers up and softly asks. "Well what do you think?"

"I think me and Tany need to have a conversation, everything else is to soon Elijah. You can't push me into saying something like that."

"Kara plea-"

"No Elijah, you will not push me into this decision like you did with everything else. If you truly want me to pick you then you will give me time to think about it. I'm tired of you always taking something from me, but never giving me anything in return. You will give me time. I'm here, you forced me to be here but I'm here, so be happy with that."

Well she told him didn't she?

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