Chapter 15: No Problem

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Eight days till birthday.

Let's get inside Elijah's head for a little while! :)

Elijah had enough of Kara ignoring him, every time he went into a room. She would sneak out or make up an excuse to leave. It was annoying, when he really wanted to know how she felt about everything.

She would always do this, Kara was not a combative person. You had to push her to get her to open up. Maybe he should tie her to the bed and make her tell him. Her cat would probably kill him, if his mother didn't get to him first.

He was with his father and two uncles Caleb and Wyatt. They came back two days ago from the council. They had to deal with the Eastern Pride problems.

Andreas was telling them what happened in Michigan and about Kara. Ajax, who was Caleb and Ami's son had come back from a scouting mission was listening in as well.

Ajax didn't report anything else besides the eastern fight. Thankfully he was a big mother fucker who could handle himself. Just thinking about it pissed Elijah off.

"Elijah how is it going with your female, will she accept you for her heat?" Wyatt asks with a smirk on his face.

"Ya she will accept me, I don't think her cat would allow anyone else to be honest."

"How about you let me try? I could see if she likes me better." Ajax asks while laughing.

Elijah lifts his lip up to show fang. "Sure you can try, but be prepared to fight me for it."

"They will be doing the mating ceremony along with her coming of age tomorrow. Demi says there is no point in throwing two parties so close together." Andreas states.

"She isn't mad about having only one party?" Caleb put his two damn cents in.

Elijah sighs, tired of this conversation. His father proposed this since Kara didn't know any better. He fought him about this but Andreas wanted it done, so nobody else could take her.

"No, there's no problem, right Elijah?"

"Right, no problem. We're set to go. I'm going to go find my female." Elijah gets up and leaves the males.

Ajax gets up and leaves with him stopping him in the hallway.

"What's wrong? Why are you and your dad acting weird?"

"Me and Kara's mating isn't going so well, she is turned and doesn't understand everything regarding the Tau. Mom and dad doing this is underhanded as hell since she won't really understand what it means. I don't want to, but they're making me do this, since I fucked up with the Ariday pride. If Kara finds out about this she will flip, I want to tell her, but she hasn't talked to me in two days from the last fight we got into."

Ajax runs his hair through his hair and sighs. "Man I would tell her, she has a right to know. What is she gonna do run away?"

"She might, but she won't get far with everyone here. Let me go talk to her and find out."

"Damn good luck on that." He turns around to go back to the males.

Elijah knows exactly where she is, Kara's been hiding in their room. He quietly opens the door then looks on the bed. She is there asleep, curled up hugging his pillow.

Her smell is getting stronger, which means her heat is too. Kara is considered a cub still, until she goes through her first heat. He couldn't wait for it, his little female was feisty.

He closed the door and gets undressed to go to bed, being quiet, so he wouldn't wake her yet. Getting in the bed, he pulled the pillow away from her and starts slowly kissing her sweet little face.

The Tau's Lessonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें