Chapter 4: Rage

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One month, two weeks till her eighteenth birthday.

Over the past few days Elijah had backed off somewhat, and let her roam the cabin. The first night he caught her outside, and dragged Kara back in by gripping the back of her neck, and pushed her back inside.

Elijah swatted her to the ground growling at her in anger, and frustration at the female's constant attempt to leave his territory. Elijah got in her face snarling at her saying he would tie her to the bed naked and forcefully claim her as his, if she did not stop trying to escape. Once his threat was said he proceeded to make sure all windows and the door was locked and that she couldn't use to escape from.

After that Elijah made sure she was in his sight at all times, making sure all exits was covered or locked when he let her loose in the cabin. He also only gave her clothes that had his scent embedded deeply into them, which was his shirts, and a pair of panties.

Of course he had to pick the pair she wore as he didn't trust her to go through the dresser drawers and get a pair herself. The one time he allowed that, she used the drawer to hit him with it. He once again spanked her bottom till it was bright red, and locked her in the bedroom.

His shirts hung off her like a large dress, Kara constantly had to fix it as it would fall off her shoulders showing off the bite mark on her neck. Thankfully the bite he inflicted on her throat and the puncture marks on the back of her neck had completely healed.

Just seeing it, made Kara angry to the point of wanting to hit him. When ever she would get angry or upset, Kara would get strong aches and pains in her body. Her gums, her hands, even her skull felt like they would explode.

He would have to calm her down, by making soft humming sounds. Rubbing her down by hand, until the pain went away. It was odd considering he was the reason she was so angry all the time.

Kara hated him, with a passion that was almost animalistic. He hurt her all the time, with his overly rough and dominating attitude. Constantly pushing Kara deeper into a rage for some unknown reason, it was like he wanted her to get angry.

Another thing she hated, was him never having answers. Growling, snarling, snapping or distraction was always his answer.

He would either distract her with something else or start rubbing against her in a very sexual way, which always made her back off.

If he thought she was going to do anything sexual with him, he was crazier than she thought.

The one thing she hated more than anything, was eating with Elijah. Meal time was difficult for Kara, as he would make her wait to eat after she worked so hard to cook his food the way he wanted it.

Making him food, only to sit and watch him eat almost all of it, while she had little to no food or cold food pissed her off.

She tried one time, to get food with him eating, and he attacked her. Grabbing her throat with his large hand he slammed her down to the table, and then snarled in her face.

His large scary fangs came out, sharp nails digging into her skin of her arm as he snarled out one word. "No"

After that she waited until he said she could eat. That was the side of Elijah she never understood. The rough amber eyed side that made sure Kara knew her place was under him at every chance Elijah got.

He had to have his share first. Food, water, shower, even clothes had to be his and had to be saturated in his scent. He would hand her the t-shirt he wore the day before, then go get himself a new one. Everything was his, including Kara. To tell him otherwise meant fighting him, and that was a fight she found out she had no hope of winning.

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