im so, so, cold

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Found a creepy story similar to this on Reddit, so I'm flipping it around a bit.

I sighed as I scrolled through Instagram, nothing exciting. Nothing important. I somehow end up in the "fun food" video section, nearly falling asleep while watching someone making some delicious looking egg roll when all of the sudden I get a text from Tyler.

Ty💡: "turn the heat uppppp"
Ty💡: "I'm sooooo coooold"

Joshhh: "what are you talking about? Tyler get a blanket or something and I can't turn your heat up."

Ty💡: "joooosh I'm sooooo coold pleaaasse"

Joshhh: "get a blanket or something, idk how to help you."



Ty💡: "sOOOooOo coooOOoold"

And for about five more messages it continued like that

Joshhh: "is this like some new meme? Or prank? Tyler really stop I have to go to bed now."

Ty💡: "soooooo cooollddd joshie, warm Me Joshie I need you joshie help me. "

Ty💡: "jsdkaosnfkfcj"
Ty💡: "isfkpdamsbdoendufjsorgir"

Joshhh: "Ty stop you're freaking me out."

Ty💡: "ksndiddjddfncodfjoshiejd"

And they just kept coming. Every two minutes or so, I'd get more gibberish. It wasn't exactly odd to get such random text from Tyler, but he'd normally stop when I asked him to and then proceed to tell me how his cat scared the shit out of him or how he wanted me to bring him Taco Bell.

Joshhh: "Tyler really I'm done with your crap rn, I'm just gonna go to bed. I'll talk to you in the morning."

I'll I got was more gibberish in reply and more "I'm cold" messages. But I wasn't about to fooled by his stupid pranks, or attempts at pranks. I put my phone on "do not disturb" and checked the time.

3:00 a.m.

Holy shit, had no idea I had even stayed up that late, I thought it was like 11 or something. I sighed and rolled over, pulling my blanket over my shoulder. I was out in a mater of minutes I was so exhausted.

When i woke again I checked my phone, only to fine 200+ messages from Tyler. All the same thing I had been receiving before I went to bed. Except for the last one which simply said bye.

Joshhh: "hey Tyler, you ready to actually use more then just three words to talk to me?"

I pressed send.

"Im sorry, your message could not be sent . Please put in valid number."

What? Tyler's number is- I was just texting him! Maybe his phone got shut off again, he was crap at paying his phone bill. I'll just wait for him to message me on Kik or something.

For the rest of the day I sat around, doing minimal work like laundry or something. And waited for Tyler to message me. Which never happened.

At five I sat down on the couch with a bowl of craft mac and cheese and watched modern family. I was about to shovel the first spoon full of melted gold over perfectly cooked noodles into my mouth when I loud knock at the door startled me. I sighed and set my mac and cheese on the table in front of me and walked the door. I swing it open with an annoyed expression, which was wiped away in an instant when I saw two police officers standing on my front porch.

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