Now Is Not The Time

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The sound of glass shattering and an alarm going off is the only thing that could be heard in the small neighborhood in Columbus Ohio. Me being as curious as I am, head towards the noise. I never intended on going on an adventure at 3 in the morning, I just like walking to help clear my mind, nights alone are especially grim.

I keep walking towards the noise but get distracted by my feet, thinking about how exactly my joints and ligaments are moving and how my leg muscles are strong enough to support my whole body weight. I wonder what it would be like to have your legs paralyzed. I really enjoy running so that would really suck-

"hey hey you!" I hear someone yell frantically at me as they knock on the glass door of a corner shop.

The first thing I notice about the guy was that he was pretty attractive. Noticeably tan skin, a really cute nose an- oh god, he's crying.
I tilt my head at him, not really wanting to say anything. Well I mean what could I say 'yeah hey how you doing? My names josh.' Yeah no.

"Th-there's a shooter in here please let me out the doors are all locked and I don't know what to do please!" The guy spews out quickly crying even harder then before. I slightly panic, I'm not good at these kinds of situations. Anything high stress, it's a no from me. But what was I gonna do, walk away and let this dude get shot? I may be a nervous wreck but I'm not an asshole.
My first reaction was to pull open the door, becomes maybe, just maybe, the door was unlocked from the outside. Well I mean, it's worth a shot, right? I pull on the door handle and much to my surprise, the door swings open.

"Oh wow, it must only have locked from the inside. That's dumb they really didn't think that through." He said laughing as he stepped out of the building with a creepily happy grin. He was just crying a second ago sounding scared for his life, now he's laughing and smiling like he's all fine.

"Well thanks pale, I really got to get going though, police will be here soon. You know how it is."

"Wait what?"

"Oh cmon, I can't believe you bought my crocodile tears. Listen kid, there's no sleep for the wicked. Money don't grow on trees, just doing what I have to do to keep my family alive and fed. But really though thanks man." He says without missing a beat. I'm impressed honestly....I wouldn't be able to steal things and what not if I were in his place. This may be a bad time but I want to know him.

"Wait but..."

He turns around with a raised eyebrow.

"What kid? I realllly don't have all night night."

"What's your name?"

"Tyler. But you really don't want to know me kid, I'm no good for yo-" he was cut off by the sounds of sirens nearing in on us.

"Shit let's go." He said grabbing my wrist and dragging me with him into an alley way that was around the corner.

He never lets go of my hand as we make our way to the back of the alley, I feel the heat rising to my cheeks. Now really isn't the time to be gushing over some bad boy I had just met, but this was pretty amazing. Adrenaline pumping through my blood, my heart beat going crazy in my chest. It was all so amazing, I didn't come out here tonight to find an adventure, but I'm glad I did.

"You climb up first, and make it quick we don't have time so get moving." He said hastily. I start climbing up the ladder that was apart of a fire escape of the side of the building and quickly, just like he told me. I hear him following closely behind me. The ladder reaches a landing then continues with a series of stairs. I look back at Tyler waiting to see what he wants us to do now.

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