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I wake up and he is gone, out of my room, and probably not coming back because of my family. My god damn family! I start to cry with anger.

I see a nurse walk in and she comes in seeing that my heart rate has accelerated. She walk up and helps me calm down. "What happened dear?"

"I just got mad. Did you see a guy leave my room last night or this morning?"

"Yes, but he's-" she starts and looks at the door.

"Not coming back I know." I look at what she's staring at, and he is in the hallway with a pile of cloths and shoes in his hands.

"Why would I not come back?" he asks looking concerned.

"Because of my family."

"They couldn't keep me away if they wanted to." he smiles at me, he has a nice smile, it pulled to his eyes and he was so happy to be with me, and I did the same.

He sets the cloths in my bed, I scamper through them, only to find some of my pjs, actually, it was the outfit I was wearing when we had our staring contest. I see that the shoes are also the ones I wore to the my last meeting.

I quickly change, and we walk past my family hand in hand. They all look at us with anger and fear. Fear? What do they have to fear? We walk to his car and he starts driving me to an unknown place.

"This isn't the way to my house. Tobias where are you going?!"

"I told you I wanted to take you somewhere."


"You'll find out soon enough."

"Uh." I say as I lift up the middle console, leaving me space to lay down. my head falls onto his thigh, he winces. I quickly get up and I look at him, but he doesn't look back. "I know you want to look at me..." I said.

"What?" he says looking over at me.

"What did Marcus do to you?"

"He didn't do anything, it just-"


"Okay, he beat me, like usual. Told me no one would ever love me, that I should waist my time with you, because you could never love me." I feel so sad, so alone, but that must be how he feels.

"Stop the car." I say.


"Stop the car!"


"Just please stop the car!!!" I start to cry, he pulls over.

"What's wrong?" he asks grabbing my shoulder.

I scoot closer to him and I kiss him, a good kiss. I know I love him. I can't help but feel safer, like it's only us around in this hell hole, and he makes it all better. "I don't want you to go back to your house." I say pulling away.

"Why?" he says kissing me again. I wait awhile, I hate pulling away from kissing him, and let's face it, this is a pretty good first kiss. He starts to kiss a little aggressively.

"Wow tiger, calm down." I say putting my hand in his chest to keep space. "It's only my first kiss, don't ruin it."

"Wait, what!? This is your first kiss?"

"Yea......." I said sighing. "I know I'm sad.... so is my life."

"So why don't you want me to go back to my house?" he says breathing heavily.

"Because of this." I say pointing down at his thigh.

"Okay. But where would I stay? On a park bench?"

"No! At my house."

"And you parents wouldn't object?"

"Who said they had to know...."

"Wow you are dangerous...."

"You know what, I really don't care." I kiss him again and sit back in my seat. He sighs and then we start to drive again.

Hours later, we arrive at the airport. I fell asleep, so I got woke up by a soft kiss and I shaking. I jump up and he looks at me really scared. I just bod and we get out. He walks around to the back and pulls out two big roller bags of luggage. I look at the purple one and the blue one. He hands me the purple one.

"So what exactly are we doing?"

"Oh you know, I'm taking you somewhere."


"A place." I sigh. he walks up to this attendant and he asks her a question. he turns around, puts his hand on my waist and pulls me forward. after the gay check we sit down and I have window seat, I start to have an anxiety attack. Yeah, I'm not a heights person.

"What's wrong?" he says grabbing my shoulders.

"Nothing I'm just not a height person." I say looking at him. I realize the my body is shaking with fear, I can't move.

"Trade me spots." he says. I don't move so he picks me and sits me in his seat. He sits down, putting up the arm rest between us. I lean on his shoulder. Soon I drift off into a deep sleep.

I dream that him and me are in the car again. But this time we are aggressively kissing each other. I push him away. He just comes back stronger. I feel a pain in my side and I look down. I see knife in it, my blood starting to drip out slowly. I look up at him and he smiles. I look up and he takes out the knife, then he stabs it through my chest. I stop breathing and the last thing I see is an evil smile he had on his face. I let myself drift off.

I wake up and Tobias is shaking me. I take deep breathes and I look around. he grabs my shoulder and I turn away, basically denying him the pleasure to look at me.

"Cat, what happened?" he asked quietly after a long uncomfortable minute of silence.

"Nothing. It was just a bad dream."

"Tell me about it."

I give in. "Okay, so me and you were in the car kissing, then you shanked my side with a really sharp knife, then into my chest, and you just smiled deviously."

"Oh." he says siting back in his seat. "that's why...."

"What are thinking?"

"Why you wouldn't let me touch your shoulder and turn you."


"I would never hurt you Cat....." he says looking at me. "I...... I lo-......... why does this have to be so hard?"

"What? What's so hard?"

"Okay. One...two...three!" he says quietly. "I love you cat."

I freeze right where I am. He loves me? I didn't think anyone, other than my family, would say that to me. I blush and I can't help but look so happy, so giggly. He looks confused.

"I love you too." I say. He smiles and he kisses me, I think how maybe I should pull away since we are in a public place but then I think, ah who cares, I'm with him and that's all that matters. we have been kissing for a long time now, but I still don't object or pull away. He finally pulls away and looks at the time.

"You should get some sleep." he says with closed eyes. "we have a long day tomorrow."

"Okay." I say, I kiss him one more time. I lay down his lap and stretch out my legs because no one else is sitting in our row. I look up at him and then go to sleep again.

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