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I wake again in the hospital. I feel tears rushing down my face, but I don't have that thingy on my face. I look up and room is empty. I sit up and see T outside talking to my dad. I get up, pulling machines behind me and I open the door.

"T!" I yell. He turns around from his leaving. He pushes past my parents and runs up to me, hugging me. I start to cry into his shoulder. The nurses take me back to my room, but T enters with me. After I get set up and basically told to stay in my bed, and not get up for any reason.

T looks at me after she leaves and he looks angry. "why'd you yell my name if you didn't want to be with me or see me? Why'd you come to my house?"

"My mom said that to get you to leave, you were one of the only people I wanted to talk to."



"Why'd you do that to yourself?"

"If I couldn't be happy, i'd be in pain."

"You'd do that to yourself, just because you couldn't be with me?"


He gets up and pulls the shades over the windows. "Cassandra-"

I cut him off, "Call me Cat. Lydia called me that."

"You'd let me call you that?"

"You mean a lot to me."

"Can I see your scares?" he says. I watch a tear trials down his face. It kills me inside. I start to cry too.

"Why?" I ask, quietly, almost whispering.

"I want to see how many times I wasn't there when you needed me." I see another. I pull my hands to my face and bring my knees in. He grabs my arm and looks at all the cuts I have. I have 15 on each arm. "Cat I'm sorry. I should have been there for you."

I cry even more. I look up at him and force a smile. "It's okay. You're here now, that's all that matters. Don't cry for me T."

"Tobias." he says correcting me.

"I mean that much to you?" I ask.

"You mean everything to me." I pull him in and I hug him. He stays over night and he lays next to me in the hospital bed. Holding me in his arms, making me feel safe. I look up at his beautiful face, and I just stare.

"I can feel you staring at me, and it's kind of creepy."

"Sorry, I just don't understand." he finally looks down at me.

"What don't you understand?"

"Why you chose the sad depressed girl to date you..."

"I chose you because you kind of understand. I feel in love with you when you first sat next to me. No one ever sat in that chair next to me."

"I would do it again, if I had a choose all the chairs, I would chose the one next to you."

"I think I love you Cat."

"I think I love you too."

"Your amazing." I feel myself blush.

"No, you are." I say.

"You stayed even when you found out what my dad does to me. You wanted to help me, that's why I think I love."

"You only think?"

"No I know, I just don't want to scare myself and run away from one of the best people in my life."

"I'm one of the best people in your life?"

"You are the best person in my life."

"I love you Tobias."

"You say my name perfectly Cat. I like to hear you say it."

"I like to hear you say mine."

"Good. I'm going to take you somewhere."


"I don't know, it depends when you get out of here."

"I think I get out tomorrow."


Author :

Where do you think he is going to take her? oh and btw sorry for updating late, it took me awhile to put this together. I also went over it about 5 times just to make sure that this was a good chapter because of the end. I proof read and I had other people proof read, so I hope this was on of the best chapters.

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