Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

    I woke with a gasp and the first thing I saw was Alyson but she was no longer beautiful. Her face looked like it was so dry that there were cracks and flakes everywhere. Her lips were black and her teeth were black and brown. I gagged from the stench coming off her as she moved away. I moved away from her as she cackled. My back hit bars and I realized that I was trapped. Anger filled me as she smirked and left me alone.

     It was some time after she left that I woke with a jolt. I heard someone moving nearby and I jerked my head up and looked into the eyes of my mother. Tears filled our eyes as we stared at each other. I could smell the lavender coming off of her. “Mommy?” I whispered.

     “Oh, Darling why did you come here?” She asked with a bittersweet smile.

    “I would’ve come here even if I hadn’t been taken.” I whispered. “You’re alive.”

    “Darling, you’re pregnant.” She whispered gently.

     “What?” I asked her as shock filled me. “Why do you think so?”

    “It’s one of my powers. Along with the healing I can see the child that is going to be born but only when someone is pregnant with that child.” New tears filled her eyes. “You’re pregnant, Darling.” I closed my eyes as a mixture of emotions assaulted me. I was happy to be pregnant but at the same time I was scared. This was a bad time to be pregnant. I could be killed.

    “I’m scared.” I whispered.

    “It’ll be okay, Darling.” She reached for me as I reached out for her but the bars prevented us from doing more than holding hands. “Your mate will find you. Mates are always good at finding each other.”

    It wasn’t an hour later when they came for us. Alyson lead in a few demons and they grabbed us. They pulled us outside into blinding light. I blinked rapidly as my eyes adjusted to the light after being held inside. They took us into a cave that was on the bottom of the mountain. We were taken down into the darkness and my eyes adjusted once more as I looked around I could tell that this used to be some sort of structure. The cave wasn’t completely natural. There was rubble and stone that had once been cut perfectly. I felt some sort of energy begin to build the further we went down. The cavern opened up into a large circular room that held two coffins in the middle. Alyson turned to us and grabbed my mother by her hair. “Now you’ll tell us which one is which!” She snapped at Mom. I growled at her and she just snapped me a look.

    I saw a tinge on blue in the corner of my eye and I turned my head. Dad stood there pointing at the coffins. I looked down at them. There were strange runes carved into the white stone and a beautiful blue crystal set at the top of them. I stared at the runes and they started to change. The strange runes became letters I could understand. I looked at the other coffin and back to the first on again. Remembering what Dad had said I let out a small gasp. “Michael?” I whispered almost under my breath. Alyson jerked her head to me and looked at the coffin I was staring at. She smirked.

    “Nevermind, we have our answer.” She released Mom and walked over to the coffin I hadn’t been looking at. She moved her hands over it lovingly as I felt connections forming in my mind. I heard a loud howl that echoed inside the room and Alyson whirled around to look at the entrance. I turned just enough to see Giovanni and Rey standing their with wolves at their backs. I noticed some of the wolves had moved around the sides to make sure there was no escape. I smiled at them as Alyson let out an inhuman screech. Nicole came into view and she glared at her sister.

    “You’ll never get away with this.” Nicole yelled. “It would be better to surrender to us. You’ll never win.”

     “That’s what you think!” Alyson yelled as a shield formed around us. Nicole, Giovanni and Rey lunged forward just before it closed and blocked them out. The four creatures holding Mom and I let us go to attack them as Alyson moved towards me. I lifted my hand and shot a fire ball at her. She smacked it away and it exploded against the barrier. I blasted her with water this time but she still kept walking towards me. I pushed myself back just as Nicole stepped in front of Alyson. She shot Alyson with a bold of electricity that sent her flying backwards.

     “Mom!” I called out as I looked for her. I saw her standing over the coffins. She looked up at me and her eyes were so sad. She held an ancient knife in her hands as she looked back at the coffins. She raised it above her head and brought it down hard on one of the crystals. There was a blast of energy that shattered the shield and Alyson let out another screech before I felt a hand grab me. I was thrown towards the coffins. I landed hard on my side as a hand grabbed my hair. I was lifted up and a blade was put to my cheek. I felt the bite of the blade and then Alyson was smearing my blood on one of the coffins. That coffin began to glow white before there was another explosion and we were thrown once more. My back hit the wall and I slowly sat up as my vision swam. I looked up and saw great white wings bursting out of a mans back. He turned to me and looked at me. “Michael.” I whispered. He smiled at me as he turned towards Alyson, who was screaming her rage in a bunch of different languages. She turned to me and shot a bolt of lightning at me. I moved my hands to block just as a figure stepped in front of me and blocked the shot.

     “Damn you!” Alyson screamed as Nicole struck at her. A blast of pure energy was shot towards her and she was thrown back. She slammed against the wall as I looked away from the fight between the two sisters. I looked towards Mom, who had jumped in front of me. A hand reached down as I got to her. Michael touched her cheek and whispered to her in a language that was ethereal in its beauty. Mom closed her eyes and Michael looked at me.

     “It’s time for her to go home.” He whispered to me. Tears filled my eyes.

    “I just got her back.” I whispered.

    “The only reason she lived was to see her children once more. Now she has seen you and helped you. She will be at peace with her mate.” Michael stared at me with gentle blue eyes. I looked back to her.

     “I love you Mommy.” I whispered to her before kissing her forehead and nodding to Michael. I blocked out the pain as a bright light surrounded her and she vanished, body and all. I looked back at Nicole and Alyson. They were locked in an even battle. Nicole surrounded in blue lightning, that threatened those who got to close and Alyson surrounded by a black fog. Their powers clashed as Michael turned his attention to them. He moved over to Alyson and walked through her power. He set his hand on her shoulder and her power dissipated. Nicole dropped her hands and let her power fade away as the wolves growled at Alyson.

     “You have tried to release a power on this earth that would have consumed everything.” Michael’s voice boomed around the room. “For that you will be judged.” Bright light filled the entire room and I was forced to shut my eyes. I felt a hand brush against my belly as Michael’s voice whispered to me. ‘Live your life in Peace, Granddaughter. I will be looking after you and your children.’ I smiled and tears ran down my cheeks. When I opened my eyes we were all sitting in the middle of the houses. I looked around me and my eyes spotted Giovanni still in his wolf form. I ran to him and threw my arms around him just in time as the sobs took over. I felt arms slip around me after a moment and then I was lifted up. I held onto him tighter as he carried me away.

    I felt the bed underneath me as he set me down. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. “Are you okay?” He whispered to me.

     “I will be.” I whispered back as I pulled his lips to mine. He kissed me gently and tenderly. I broke the kiss. “Giovanni, I’m pregnant.” I whispered to him with my forehead leaning against his. Shock filled his eyes before happiness and pride set in. He pushed me back on the bed gently and kissed me with a growl.

      “Everything will be okay.” He whispered to me after he broke the kiss. I smiled at him and nodded. My tears were a mixture of pain and happiness. I knew that we would be fine and we would get the family that Selene showed me.

So I'm leaving it up to you guys if you want an elipogue that would be set in the future with Giovanni, Naomi and their children. Just let me know it you want that and I will write it :)

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