Chapter 3

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Comments and votes are welcomed! Photo is of Abby..

Chapter Three

    I had gotten a call form my grandparents. They had found a new lead into whatever project they were working on this time so they would be away for much longer. Giovanni had invited me over to meet his parents this weekend. I had been digging through my closet trying to find something to wear. He said to put on something casual. I would be staying the night so I had an overnight bag already packed and sitting on my red bed sheets. I groaned as I looked at myself in the mirror. My dark brown/black hair was in it’s natural wavy look. I was in a pair of bright blue skinny jeans and a black tank. I pulled off the jeans and grabbed an old pair of skinny jeans. This one I had worn so many times that there was random rips in them and they were no longer a dark blue but were faded. I slipped them on and then searched for a shirt. I couldn’t wear just the tank. I needed something that would cover my scars. I didn’t want anyone who didn’t know how I got them to see just yet. I grabbed my green Boondock Saints shirt to throw on. It had the cross on it instead of the brothers. I stood in front of the mirror. I stared into my blue eyes trying to figure out if I should put any makeup on. I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my outfit. It would be complete once I had my converse on. I smiled as the doorbell rang. I ran down the stairs and opened the door.

    “Hello beautiful.” Giovanni said as his eyes scanned my body. I blushed and grinned at him. “Are you ready?” He returned my smile with a breathtaking one of his own.

    “Just let me grab my bag.” He waited as I went back to grab my bag. When I got to his corvette I gave a whistle of appreciation. “Nice. This it the 1969 stringray model right?” I asked.

    “Yes, you know cars?” He smiled.

    “Only corvettes.” I grinned. “I love corvettes.” It was a beautiful dark purple color. He opened the door for me and I slid into the leather seat.

    It didn’t take us long to get to the woods. Where we lived the area was surrounded by forest. It was just a small town in the middle of a forest. The road leading in was gravel but soon I started seeing mansions on either side. It’s like they had a village of their own here. “This is my house.” Giovanni pulled into a driveway and pressed a button so that the garage door opened. The garage itself was huge. From the outside the house looked like a big log cabin. Inside there was beautiful wooden floors and a modern kitchen. The living room was huge and there was a game room as well and this was just downstairs. The house seemed really quiet though. I turned to Giovanni after I had tossed my bag onto a couch.

    “Where’s your parents?” I asked.

    “They’ll be here soon.” He smiled. “I live here on my own. My parents have a separate house.”

   “Hmm. I don’t know if my grandparents would’ve agreed if they knew this.” I pretended to be thoughtful. His hands snaked around my waist and he pressed my back against his chest.

    “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.” He whispered into my ear. I shuddered when his breath hit my skin. He kissed my neck and I could feel him smirking.

    “Giovanni!” I heard a familiar voice call. I smirked as Giovanni huffed.

    “Looks like playtime’s over.” I laughed. He let out a small growling sound before kissing my neck again. He lightly bit my neck and I gasped and arched my back. I could feel him smirking again.

    “Gio.... Oh. Whoops. Hahaha.” Yup that was definitely Georgia. “Sorry guys. I totally didn't mean to barge in when you guys were getting ready to do it. Whoops. I mean when you were kissing. If you guys were going to do it though I can totally leave you guys alone. You know like together not alone alone. I'm not mean or anything so I wouldn't make you guys get away from each other. Well you couldn't exactly do it if you were alone alone. Like the ugly duckling was alone at first. Do you guys know that story? I've never really actually read it. Hahaha. No, I haven't but I have heard about it. So yeah. Oh or like Dumbo's mother when she became a 'mad elephant.' That part was really sad. Anywho." She put air quotes around mad elephant and then held her hands in front of her as she stared at the floor.

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