Chapter 2

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Comments and votes are welcomed! The picture on the side is of Georgia....

Chapter Two

    I woke up to laughter. I opened my eyes and saw Giovanni sitting on the floor with Ty. They were playing with his Star Wars toys. I smiled as I sat up. Tyler lunged at me as soon as he saw me and I smiled as I returned his hug and kissed the top of his head. “How long have I been out?” I asked.

    “About an hour.” Giovanni answered. “Everyone else went out to get some stuff to watch movies.”

    “So they left you to watch Ty?” I asked. He smiled at me.

    “Yup!” Ty beamed at me. “Vanni’s cool.” He took off running to go do something.

    “Vanni?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

    “It was better then his attempts to say Giovanni.” He grinned and reached his hand out to cup my cheek.

    “I like it.” I grinned at him. “I’m going to call you that. Or maybe Vanni-poo.” He fake glared at me as I giggled. I heard a noise coming from behind me and I ducked down. A pillow sailed over my head to smack Giovanni in the face. I started laughing as I saw the shocked expression on his face. I grabbed a pillow from the couch and turned so I could chuck it at Ty. He ran away giggling and the pillow hit his back instead of his head. “It’s on little man!” I called after him. I turned to look back at Giovanni only to get smacked lightly with the pillow Ty had thrown at me. I jumped up as I grabbed another pillow and smacked Giovanni with it. I took off after Ty with Giovanni on my heels.

    We heard the door open but they were a little busy. Giovanni had me pinned on the floor with my hands being held to my sides as Ty continued to smack me lightly with a pillow until he got bored and decided to tickle me. Giovanni had just switched so that my hands were held in one of his above my head as he helped Ty tickle me. I was laughing so hard tears rolled down my face. Abby’s laughter was the first thing that made me realize the others were in the living room. I was wiggling and attempting to get away, granted it was to no avail. “Do you give?” Ty asked me. I nodded my head as I still couldn’t talk. Giovanni released me as Ty ran away yelling, “I win! Whoooo!” I play glared at Giovanni.

    “You’re mean. Get off.” He shut me an overdramatic hurt look but didn’t move. “Giovanni.” I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face as I poked his chest. He laughed as he stood. He held out his hand to help me up and I took it.

    “What exactly happened here?” Abby asked as she smirked at me.

    “Ty finally won a pillow/tickle fight.” Giovanni replied.

    “Only because you helped him, Vanni.” I said.

    “Vanni?” Tom asked him with raised eyebrows.

    “Oh he didn’t tell you about his nickname?” I faked surprise. “Oh Vanni-poo. Don’t you like you nickname.” I pinched his cheek for added affect. I saw his hands start towards me and I spun away from him grinning. He started towards me. I put the couch in between us as I continued grinning. He moved to go around the couch and I went the opposite way. We continued this for a minute until I felt arms slip around me. I let out a surprised squeal as Abby shoved me forward. I tripped and fell onto the couch before glaring at her. Until I felt hands on my sides and air beneath me. I was tossed over Giovanni’s shoulder. A giggle escaped me as I struggled against him.

    “You’ve been bad. I think I should punish you.” Giovanni threatened. An idea popped up into my head and I pulled back my hand. I brought it down with enough force to cause a string but not hurt all that much. There was a satisfying smack as my hand connected with Giovanni’s ass. Everyone fought their laughter as Giovanni let out a startled yelp. Suddenly I felt a sting on my own ass and I gasped in surprise. “You shouldn’t have done that.” Giovanni’s voice was playful and I felt another slap on the other side and I continued my struggles. He tossed me onto a bed and then straddled me. I was still laughing as I struggled. He trapped my hands to his chest and proceeded to tickle me.

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