Chapter 14

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So I'm very happy with this chapter and I hope you all enjoy it! Anyway vote, comment, fan and all that stuff. On with the story!!

Chapter 14

   Darkness surrounded me. I could feel the fear coursing through my veins. My body was in pain and I could feel my legs moving but that was to only way I knew that I was running. The air burned my lungs and my pulse was loud in my ears. My body was screaming at me to stop but I knew I couldn't. Suddenly a weight slammed into my back. I was shoved forward and my body slammed into the ground. I felt myself roll and things hit me. I could feel blood running down my back but I still couldn't see anything except black. I felt weight on my shoulders. It felt like paws, large paws with sharp claws. I could feel the tears burning down my cheeks as I fought to breathe. There was a growl before I felt sharp teeth bite into my neck. A scream left my lips.

   I shot up in bed, a scream leaving my lips as my body burned for air. I felt hands on my shoulders as I cut off the scream. My neck was burning and my body was shaking. I could hear Giovanni's voice but my mind couldn't make out what he was saying. My eyes were searching for something but I didn't know what it was. "Naomi!" Giovanni's voice broke through my haze. My head jerked around to him.

   "I'm okay." I whispered but my voice shook. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close but I still felt like I was missing something and Midnight was whimpering in my head. "Something is wrong." I whispered. He pulled back to look at me in confusion. There was a strange feeling starting at my toes and in my hands. I could feel myself quivering but I didn't know why.

   "Naomi, why are you shaking?" Giovanni cupped my face. "What happened?"

   "I was running but I couldn't see anything but I felt so scared. I was being chased by a wolf. They caught me and bit me." The shaking increased. "Giovanni." My voice wavered.

   "I'm calling Nicole over and the pack doctor." He kissed my forehead. "You're going to be fine." He grabbed a shirt that had gotten thrown off last night and pulled it over my head. He laid me back down as I felt myself slipping away.

   Tears were running down my cheeks. I still couldn't see anything but I knew that I was back where I had started. I could hear sounds that shouldn't be familiar but I knew them. I was back in the building in the woods. My body jerked as pain shot through me. I felt the bite of a knife on my back. A sob left my lips before a fist landed in my stomach and the wind was knocked out of me. I was back to struggling to breathe. I had to contact her. Mother had told me what to do and she had warned me about what would happen if I caught. My body shuddered at the thought of him touching me. I knew that he didn't care how much he hurt a child. He only wanted my sister. That's why he had hidden my existence from her. I didn't kow if I had broken the connection he had over me or not but I hoped she heard me. I hoped she was coming to help. I hoped she got here before he could touch me.

   My body jerked and I gasped out as I opened my eyes. Giovanni was standing next to me in a pair of pants that were hanging low on his hips, usually I would've been ogling how good he looked in them but right now all I could think about was this girl. I knew she was young and connected to Rey and I somehow. I knew where she was and I knew she needed help I just had to get there in time. "We need to go." I said as I sat up. The pack doctor, Dan, looked at me.

   "Luna, you just had a seizure. You need to rest." He start towards me but I turned to look at him.

   "I didn't have a seizure. I was contacted by someone who doesn't know what their doing." Snow and I growled.

   "That's what I told them but they didn't believe me." Nicole shot the doctor a look.

   "It looked like a seizure, everything about it said seizure. I'm a doctor. I'm not into dealing with spiritual matters. I just call it like I see it." He grumbled as he stood and bowed his head to Giovanni and I. "Alpha, Luna." He said respectfully before walking out of the room. Rey walked in with Olivia at his side and there was worry in her eyes as she gazed at him. His eyes landed on me.

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