Rucas - Secret Admirer?

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Can I just say same to Riley's reaction to Lucas. I am the exact same when my friend pushes me onto a stranger's lap... JK JK. But for real that's my face whenever I end up doing something stupid around people I want to impress. 

This was an idea from Rucasfairytale


Maya just pushed me onto a guy's lap. Some random guy's lap. A total stranger. 


Oh, wait I know because she is Maya. 

I've never been more embarrassed. 

Yes the guy was cute. I mean blond hair, seemed tall, blue eyes. Actual dream boat. 

I was find marveling at him from afar, no need to get up close and personal with him. 

Too bad but at the same time luckily I won't see him again. Either way how could someone as good looking as him like me? 

I was barely paying attention while my dad introduced the new kid to the class. When he started teaching my attention went to him. Then the bell rang and I could not have been more relieved. 

I got up and started gathering my stuff, suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

"Aren't you the girl who fell onto my lap on the subway?" 

I turned around and began blushing, it was the cute boy from the subway. The one I fell into. 

"Uh yeah... Uh... I guess you could say I fell for you... ha ha ha... umm..." I began to ramble. 

He chuckled... or was he laughing at me? I didn't know, I was too busy freaking out. 

The cute guy is here. The one I saw. 

"I'm Lucas by the way."

"Riley, the blonde girl you saw with me on the subway was my friend Maya she's my best friend we do everything together and..."

He continued to chuckle as I rambled. 

"You know what I got to go, Maya!" and I left. I was freaking out. I didn't know how to talk to boys. The only boy I ever talked to around my age was Farkle. 

When I say talk I don't mean a conversation that went: 'hi' 'hey' 'how are you?' 'good, you?' 'good.' End of conversation. 

I'm just not used of talking seriously with others without getting nervous. 


Over the next few weeks I was given a chance to really get to know Lucas. 

I figured out his goals in life, his likes and dislikes, so much about him. It was amazing how much you can learn about someone in two months time. 

In that process I began developing feelings for him. The feelings that meant, 'hey you have a crush on so and so now.' 

The only person I told about this was Maya. She didn't understand how I could like Huckleberry but I just did. He made me feel special, like I was on top of the world. 

"Maya, how do I tell him I like him?" 

"You want to tell him you like him?"

"Maybe," I whispered. "I just don't want to tell him it's me who likes him. Like I want him to know I like him but not really. Like I want him to know he is liked, just not by me. But It wouldn't hurt! Do you get me?"

Maya nodded slowly, "just do what any middle school girl would do on TV!" 

"That would be?"

"Drop a note in his locker saying to like him. Make it poetic, make it scandalous, make it whatever you want. Just don't write your name on it or write from your secret admirer."

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