Rucas: Carnival Date

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Hello my lovely readers! We already have forty-two reads and two votes! Go us! 
So sorry for updating sooner, I have been busy with my other story (if you don't know what I'm talking about you should totally go check out my profile and see the other story I am working on!) and back to school stuff. (Oh how I dread high school!)

Anyways, here is the Rucas date I mentioned in the last Joshaya chapter. Enjoys!

"Maya!" Riley yelled from inside her closet. "I have nothing to wear!" 

"Riles, you have plenty to wear. You see that dress? Yeah, you have that to wear!" Maya responded still flipping through her magazines. 

"But nothing for my date with Lucas!" Riley sighed. "Wait! Peaches, do you mind running home and getting that really nice shirt of yours that I love?" 

"No, come on! You have so much in your closet!" Maya said getting up from Riley's bed and walking to the closet with the clothes on the floor. Maya and Riley took two minutes before finding something for Riley to wear. Maya threw the outfit at Riley and walked over to the bed picking up her magazine. 

"So where is Huckleberry taking you?" Maya asked looking at the designer clothing in the magazine that she could not afford. 

"I don't know." Riley replied walking out of the closet with the outfit they both picked. She fixed the way her floral sleeveless blouse was tucked in. "Do you think this looks okay?" Riley asked patting her sweaty palms on her ripped dark-wash jeans. 

Maya looked up from her magazine to see her best friend putting on dark brown ankle boots. "Lucas will love this. Although, I think he'll like the outfit better if you added a cowboy hat." Maya finally suggested. Riley stood up giving Maya a laugh before Lucas came in through the window.

"Hey Maya!" Was the first thing Lucas said when entering. Riley was a bit offended but she knew Lucas loved Maya in a brother-sister way. Either way Maya and Josh were a low-key thing. "Wow, Riley-" Was all Lucas could muster when he took a glance at his girlfriend of four years. 

Riley smiled. "Where are you planning on taking me Lucas?" She asked taking Lucas's stretched out hand. 

"A surprise!" He replied gesturing Riley to the window to exit. They both soon exited the room. 

"Shoot!" Riley suddenly exclaimed as Lucas and her walked down the fire escape. "I have to tell my parents were leaving." Riley explained running back to her room and sticking her head through the window to find Maya standing near the bed. 

"Oh, Peaches!" Riley said obtaining Maya's attention. "You want to sleep over? And could you tell my parents I'm out with Lucas?" 

"Yeah, sure, I guess." Maya said walking over to the bay window. "Now go!" She said before pushing Riley out of the window.  

Riley smiled and ran back to her boyfriend. "Let's go!" Riley said taking Lucas's hand and racing down the fire escape to the street. 

They both soon reached the subway and got onto the train leading them to the surprise location of the date. They soon reached their destination. They both got off, hand-in-hand and walked to the exit. After a short walk they reached the city carnival. 

"I remember you mentioning how you wanted to go," Lucas explained watching his dazed girlfriend with adoration. 

Riley looked up at her wonderful boyfriend and smiled, "come on, let's get some cotton candy!" They strolled over to the cotton candy stand and then to one of the rides. They were the spinning teacups, when they got off they were both quite dizzy but held onto each other for support. 

"I bet I can win you something from that booth." Lucas bet, pointing to the booth that required you to knock down the stacked cans with a baseball. 

"I would love that." Riley blushed and followed Lucas to the booth. 

"Five dollars for three tries!" The man at the booth exclaimed hoping to capture the attention of people walking by the stand. "Five dollars for three tries!" He said again as Lucas walked up to the stand and gave five dollars. "Good luck kid." Was all he said, confident that Lucas would miss. And as expected he did, he missed his first throw. 

Lucas adjusted his arm throwing the ball and hitting the left side, leaving the three in the middle. It was Lucas's last throw, he threw and hit the last three making them tumble onto the floor. He smiled and turned to his smiling girlfriend. "Which prize do you want?" The man asked. Lucas turned to Riley as she pointed to the huge stuffed bear. 

"Hopefully Auggie won't bite the head off this one." Riley joked as the man handed the bear to Lucas. Lucas gave the bear to Riley as they headed off to the Ferris wheel. 

It took about five minutes before they got on. They reached a halt at the top where another pair got into the ferris wheel. "Thanks for the bear!" Riley said patting the top of the bear's head. Lucas smiled and placed his arm around Riley's shoulder pulling her in. 

Lucas looked over to Riley and gave her a small peck on the lips that turned into a short meaningful kiss as they went down the ferris wheel. They went on three more turns before the girl controlling the ferris wheel asked them to get off for the two friends to get on. 

They got off holding each other in a cute awkward way. Even after four years they seem to be awkward. "Hey let's go on the merry-go-round!" Riley said excitedly pointing at the unicorn ride. 

"Doesn't your dad love Carousels?" Lucas chuckled. 

"Yeah, but it's not like we will be seeing him or biting bear face Auggie anytime soon." Riley replied getting out of Lucas's grip and skipping over to the line for the merry-go-round. Lucas followed in pursuit chuckling. They finally reached the front of the line not noticing Topanga, Cory and Auggie just six people behind. They hopped onto a unicorn each still not noticing while Topanga kept trying to get Cory's attention on seeing their girl, but he simple ignored her smiling on the unicorn! 

The ride began and on the second turn Riley noticed her family. "Lucas, tell me I am not going insane and that you see my mom, dad and brother right there." Riley said pointing to the three people in front of them that looked like her family. Lucas squinted surprised to see the rest of the Matthews. 

"Do you want to say hi or leave when the ride ends since we have been here for an hour or two?" Lucas asked. 

"We can go watch a movie at my place. Maya should be home, she must be bored alone and I rather not have my parents crash our date."

They began to head home as Topanga tried to convince Cory that they saw their daughter. However Cory was capable of convincing Topanga that they should stay for one more ride, that turned to two, which turned to three. 

Eventually Lucas and Riley reached the Matthew's household. "Peaces?" Riley called turning on the lights to find her Uncle Josh and Maya cuddled together and sleeping. 

"They seem to be in deep sleep," Lucas said waving his hand in front of Josh.  "They were watching Captain America." Lucas said gesturing to the TV. 

"Let's watch." Riley said sitting in the armchair on the side. Lucas joined her on the armchair once he turned on the movie. But soon they both also found sleep in each other's arms.
That is the end of my second Oneshot! Comment if you want me to write one about Topanga, Cory and Auggie's night at the carnival. Comment if you have any other ideas for oneshots or message me, just go to my profile. And while you are there at my profile Follow if you'd like. Also don't forget to take a look at my other story
Sooooo..... Comment, follow, vote, request and all that good stuff if you want. 

People change people ~~~

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