Joshaya: I'm staying the night

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Okay, so this is the first official story/ oneshot of the book. Hope you enjoy and yeah!
Disclaimer!! I don't own any of the characters!


It was Friday night. Maya was at the Matthews house helping Riley get ready for her date with Lucas. Riley and Lucas have been dating for four years now. The entire gang was now in their senior year of high school.

"So, where is huckleberry taking you tonight?" Maya asked laying on Riley's bed, flipping through magazines. 

"I don't know," Riley replied walking out of her closet. "Do you think this looks okay?" 

Maya looked up from her magazine. "Lucas will love this. Although, I think he'll like the outfit better if you added a cowboy hat." Maya suggested. Riley replied with a laugh before Lucas walked in through the window. 

"Hey Maya." Lucas said when he entered the room, "Wow, Riley..." Lucas said as he looked at his beautiful girlfriend. Riley blushed before asking where they were going. "A surprise!" Was all Lucas said. With that he and Riley walked out of the window. 

"They grow up so fast!" Maya said wiping a fake tear off her cheek. 

"Oh, Peaches!" Riley said popping her head through her window. "You want to sleep over? And could you tell my parents I'm out with Lucas?" 

"Yeah, sure, I guess." Maya said walking over to the bay window. "Now go!" She said before pushing Riley out of the window. She rolled her eyes and walked to the Matthews living room not noticing a special Matthews at the door. "I'm staying the night, Matthews and Riley went out with Ranger Rick!" She yelled. 

"In that case, I'm staying the week family and Maya!" Josh yelled just as loud from the door. 

Maya looked up to the door to see the boy that she liked. It wasn't a crush though, she knew it wasn't. She gave a quick smile at the youngest Matthews brother and went to the couch for a seat. 

"Oh no! Topanga we are not leaving the house with these two in here alone!" Cory yelled at Topanga. 

Mr. Matthews' wife simply rolled her eyes and took Auggie's hand. "Cory, we promised Auggie that we would take him to the city Carnival tonight. Maya and Josh won't do anything to the house." Cory looked at his younger brother and his daughter's best friend. Both Josh and Maya gave him a innocent smile. 

"But Topanga!" Cory tried to argue. 

"But Cory!" Everyone in the room yelled. 

"Fine!" Cory pouted taking Auggie's hand. "We're going on the merry go round you and I, okay Auggie!" 

"Eh?" Auggie replied walking out the door. 

Topanga gave a light chuckle before turning her head back to the two teens in her home. "Maya. how about you help Josh unpack? We'll be back soon." She then turned and walked out, closing the door. 

"Long game?" Josh asked. 

"Long game." Maya replied. 

"I'm staying in the guest room for the week. Want to help me unpack?" 

"I mean the Amazon warrior asked me to, so yeah." Josh chuckled at Maya's response heading to the guest room. "Don't you have a dorm at the collage Uncle Boing?" 

"Yeah, but they are doing some renovations this week so I'm staying here." Josh replied shoving his T-shirts into the closet. Josh didn't hear anything from Maya as a reply. He turned around to find the blonde beauty wearing one of his beanies, fixing her hair in the mirror. "You look gorgeous in my beanie." Josh told her walking up to her. He rapped his arms around her waist, resting his head on her head. 

"We should be unpacking." Maya reminded Josh while playing with the tips of her blonde hair. Josh frowned at her statement. "I can see the relation between you and your brother now! You look a like Cory when you frown!" Josh's frown quickly changed to a horrified face. Josh soon let go of Maya turning around to his suitcase.

Maya frowned as she felt his arms leave her waist. "Let's finish unpacking, then we can watch a movie or something." Josh suggested putting his boxers into one of the shelves in the closet. Maya nodded helping him hang some of his sweaters and jackets. 

After fifteen minutes of unpacking Maya and Josh headed to the living room/ kitchen. "What movie do you want to watch?" Josh asked Maya while looking through the cupboards tying to find some popcorn. 

"Captain America: Civil War?" Maya suggested getting a popcorn bowl out and drinks. 

Josh nodded at the suggestion handing Maya the popcorn. Maya popped the popcorn into the microwave as Josh brought the drinks to the table in the living room. Josh turned on the TV and popped Civil War in. He climbed into the blanket as Maya walked in as the movie started. She snuggled herself in the blanket with Josh setting the popcorn on her lap. Josh wrapped one of his arms around Maya as she rested her head on his shoulder. 

Miraculously Maya ended up falling asleep in the middle of the movie. "I'm surprised you haven't talked about how hot Chris Evans is." Josh told Maya. He looked down to his shoulder to find Maya asleep. He smiled reaching for the remote and removing the popcorn bowl from Maya's lap. He turned the TV off and kissed Maya on her head. "Goodnight Maya." Josh said before resting his head on Maya's and finding sleep. 

He hadn't had a night sleep as peaceful and perfect as this one since he started collage again. 

That is the end of my first One shot in the book!

I hope you liked it and yeah! 


Thank you for reading! 

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