Chapter 12 Mad man. Part 2

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'No. We'll just have to run...somewhere.'

'Oh great, we'll just run somewhere. I'm sure the neighbours won't think it weird that we're just dragging Amber here out of her house dripping with blood. And your lovely blood stained shirt. Why does it even have blood on it? How do I know you're not being controlled by Jared? How did you even know we were here? How did you even get IN here?' I asked, the building frustration evident in my voice. I knew I was being a bitch to the guy who'd tried to help, but to be honest, I wasn't even sure if I trusted HIM. After all Jared said, I had no idea what to think. He stopped pacing and stared at me. He looked exhausted, and I felt a little bubble of guilt for venting on him.

'I don't know what to do ok!' He cried in pure frustration, raising his hands in front of him in the universal sign for surrender.

'I don't know. I didn't even realise there WAS blood on me, but I must've cut myself when I SMASHED A WINDOW TO GET IN.' He said the last part slowly, as if to enunciate he was answering one of my questions. I nodded, feeling suddenly small.

'I'm sorry I don't have like a plan or anything. I just figured I'd get you out and work it out from there. Jared is NOT controlling me, or in my head or anything ok? I swear. But right now we should really get away from him and THEN talk about this.' He slumped down on the other side of me and put his head in his hands. I felt more than a little awkward, and hoped he wasn't crying.

'Let's just call the police or go to a neighbour and ask for some help.' I suggested. Maybe I'd seen too many horror films, I felt silly for not having suggested bringing in trained law officials in the first place.

'No.' He muttered without even taking his hands from his face.

'Uhh...why not? It's their job to deal with the crazies.' I told him matter-of-factly, and already reaching for the house phone.

'No.' He said, this time with more force. He sat up, and I was relieved to see there were no tears. I sighed.

'He can CONTROL people Holly. If we call the police he could control them! Make them attack each other or whatever. I don't really know how it works but if we do that it's just giving him a weapon.' He pleaded, and I suddenly bought into his frustration. He was right. If what Jared said was true, then he could control them, and more people could get hurt.

'Damn it.' I muttered, Alex opened his mouth, probably to agree, when Amber gave a weak moan.

'Amber,' I murmured softly, not wanting to startle her. Her eyelids fluttered, and she gave a weak smile.

'Holly?' She slurred slightly. Having no experience in having unconscious people waking up I nodded stupidly until I realised she couldn't see me nod.

'Yeah,' I answered quickly, glancing at Alex hoping he'd know what to do. He seemed just as clueless.

'We should get going. We can go out the back.' He whispered, gripping Amber's waist again, and together we hoisted her into a standing position with us on either side.

'Woooow. I feel funny.' Amber complained lightly, Alex gave a dry chuckle.

'Sorry about that, do you feel ok?' I asked, knowing she probably felt like a pile of crap.

'Dizzy, and my head hurts.' Her eyes suddenly snapped open.

'Ohmygosh Holly! Jared! He hit-' She began, her voice sounding scarily weak.

'I know, I know. It's ok Alex knocked him out.' I soothed, which only served to make her look more panicked, but we had little time to chat. We reached the back door and I unlocked it with one hand, and kicked it open.

Life of a..special..sixteen year old. (no I'm not a vampire, eesh)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz