Powercouple of stupidity

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A/N: I feel like Barry Allen, when I'm fucking up timelines like that.

Warnings: fucked up timelines ofc, swear words

Pairing: Bellamy x reader


You looked terrified as people were running in panic. Everyone was yelling, pushing others. Everyone wanted to already be inside. Black rain was here.

You felt your skin burning, something klicked in your brain and you started to run too. Just to get to the door. Just few steps more. Your skin burned like hell. Everything seemed to be slower than it should be. Yelling was like behind the glass, other people's pushes weren't relly touching you, your long steps weren't as long as you thought. It was just like that. Panic ran through your body. When it started to rain, you were outside of the gates. Now you were the only one who was still outside. And you heard someone's groaning for help. You looked there.

- Louis - you whispered, what seemed to be like a scream. You looked at the entrance to destroyed Arkadia. Kane and Monty held Bellamy, who tried to run to you. He was screaming for you to come inside. But you rushed toward Louis without any second thoughts. You grabbed his arm and helped him stand up. Then his legs betrayed him.

- I'm sorry! he screamed in pain. You just shook your head, teeth clenching just to not throw Louis away and run to Arkadia by yourself. You dragged him there. Few steps more, just few steps more.

Bellamy jumped out of the Arkadia and helped you. Kane and Monty grabbed Louis and quickly took care of him. And then everything started to speed up. You didn't hear Bellamy's screams, you didn't have any strenght left. Then you felt someone lifting your body up. You looked at older Blake's face, now full of fear and desperation.

- Move! - he yelled at someone and put you on the ground next to the barrel with fresh water. - Harper, help me! - he yelled once again and with girl's help he started to quickly undress you. Then he pulled you up and held you like that, when Harper was splashing water on you. You closed your eyes and sighed with relief, your throat fully in pain from screaming all this time. You didn't even know you were doing that, but it wasn't important right now. - [Y/N]! Look at me! - you heard Bellamy's voice. Your eyes shot open, when you heard horror in his voice. He held you close, searching for something in your eyes.

- I'm okay now - you croacked, trying to move from the man, but he held you tight. - Bellamy, let me go.

- You're going to rest now - he said, quickly lifting up your body in bridal style.

- I have to help the others - you whispered, feeling that your conciusness were slipping away.

- You helped enough - was the last thing you heard from him. Your eyes closed itself and your body decided it's time for rest.

- I swear I'm okay! - you yelled, trying to get up. - Let me go with you!

- Bellamy, I think we would need her - Clarke said with her usual worried face. Blake shook his head.

- No, I had to carry her in, because she was dragging Louis by herself without anything that would protect her. She's still weak - he said, all serious and shit.

- I'd still easily kick your ass...

- That's it, we're taking her with us - you heard someone's really annoyed and deep voice. - I saw her fighting with worse injuries than she has now. We need her - Roan said and you tried to remember why he was here. Clarke nodded and looked at Bellamy, who just sighed and shook his head slightly.

Imagines: John Murphy (and sometimes Bell Blake)Where stories live. Discover now