What happened in bunker, remains in bunker

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A/N: Some quick example why I don't have a boyfriend. I'm just too much into fictional characters, okay?

Warnings: mention of injuries and blood, language

Pairing: Murphy x reader


- Murphy! - you screamed as loud as you could and then you winced slightly. But you ignored the pain in your side, just to yell more at Murphy.

You two were currently trapped in some bunker you found, when Jaha disappeared, leaving you with wounded boy. The boy who you had crush on. Okay, maybe more than crush now. It was crush when you had landed on Earth. Now it was more like... love. You thought it was love, you just never felt anything like that, so you weren't sure. But even if you felt something to him, you tried to just be his friend since you didn't know what to do at all with your feelings.

And when you helped him up on the beach, you two went ahead, searching for... for anything. Then you found that weird door, somehow you ended up trapped inside. But you couldn't complain. There were food, fresh water, clothes, shower. And even technology! At least Murphy wasn't alone here.

You immediately yelled at him, when he didn't want to show you his hand. Again.

- Murphy, show me your fucking hand! - you screamed again, walking angrily toward the couch, where the boy sat minutes ago.

- Calm down, it's just a scratch - he mumbled, already eating some crackers he found in the kitchen. You sighed heavily. Either of you went to the shower to this moment, because this stubborn little shit tried to convince you that he felt okay with dirt on him.

- Yeah, it'll be 'just a scratch' when you'll catch the infection, you prick - you growled quietly. - At least go and take a shower - you sighed. Murphy immediately turned his head and looked at you.

- There is a shower in here? - he asked and suddenly you just wanted to hit him.

- So you actually didn't listen to me before - you sighed, rolling your eyes. - Yes, there is a shower. Now go and wash your fucking hair at least.

- You don't have to tell me twice - Murphy muttered, standing up and quickly walking toward the hallway.

- Apparently, I had to! - you yelled after him, but he just snorted. And when he was in the shower, you decided to look around more. So you wandered through the room which seemed to be the living room, through the kitchen and the bedroom. You sighed, when you saw one king-sized bed. You winced and pressed your hand to your side. You breathed out slowly, waiting for tha pain to go away again.

- Hey, [Y/N]! Where are you? - you heard Murphy just after he opened the door from the bathroom. You took a shallow breath and turned around.

- Here - you said, walking out of the bedroom, locking the door behind you. You looked at the boy, who now had just a towel wrapped around his waist. - I think there are clothes in bedroom, so... - you gestured at the door, trying not to look at his naked torso. You smiled slightly and walked past him, quickly locking yourself in the bathroom. You sighed slightly, trying to not touch your side anymore. You got undressed and looked at yourself in the mirror.

Tired eyes, hair with ash and blood in them, your face dirty with what left after that boy, who stepped on a mine, your body tanned and visibly stronger than on the Arc. You smiled to yourself and then you looked at your left side and your smile disappeared. There was no deep cut or anything like that, just huge, blackish and purplish bruise. And then you looked at your shoulder. Yep, there was a wound you didn't even feel was there. You sighed and rolled your eyes. You stepped into the shower and turned on the water. Yes, that was the best feeling in the whole universe.

Imagines: John Murphy (and sometimes Bell Blake)Where stories live. Discover now