13 Introducing Junior

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Severus went to the small room next door where a crib was surrounded by charms and wards, and a Medi House Elf called Ramone was busying himself looking after his small charge.  Severus stood at the door almost forgetting to breathe.  "Are you going to stand there all day?" Smiled Poppy.  Words completely deserting him, all Severus could do was shake his head.  Slowly he moved towards the crib.  His breath all but left him when he looked inside.  There, looking up at him with a frown almost matching one of his own was the tiniest baby Severus had ever seen.  Looking at Poppy for affirmation, she nodded and Severus stroked the baby's cheek with his forefinger.  His skin was so soft - like the smoothest velvet - and whilst his eyes were of the same onyx as his father, his hair was of a golden sheen like his mother's.  Severus found himself quite overcome with emotion.  Looking at the little boy his heart swelled with love.  He knew, from that very moment onwards, he would cherish and protect this little chap with ever fibre of his being.  He knew now what 'unconditional love' meant.  Hermione and their child were the only two people who truly mattered to him and he would never let them down.

Back at Hermione's bed side, Severus slept fitfully slumped in a rather uncomfortable chair.  His whole body frame was far too big for such a piece of furniture but he barely noticed.  About 4am a small voice woke him.  "Severus?" 

"I'm here darling" he sat up straight and was immediately greeted by his witch trying to sit herself up.  "I'm here." Tears misted his eyes again as he took Hermione's hands in his own.

"Is....is the baby?" She stuttered, not quite managing to get the whole sentence out. Severus nodded and smiled.

"We have a boy" he said whispering, the love shining from his eyes. "He's little but he's perfect. Just perfect. Just like his mum" Severus kissed her lips gently.

"Severus...I was so scared" Hermione sobbed, throwing her arms around him and holding onto him as if her life depended on it.

"Shhhhhh my little witch" Severus replied, resting his head on hers, trying to reassure her "Everything will be fine. I promise you."

"Can I see him? I want to see him." Severus smiled, breaking off their embrace.

Poppy Pomfrey who had just entered the room smiled at the couple "Aaaah you're awake I see. Wonderful. How do you feel? Any headache? Pain? Do you feel light headed?"

Hermione laughed "I'm fine" she said "A little sore but no headache. Can I see my baby now?" Poppy nodded and Hermione swung her legs out of bed. Magically a wheelchair appeared. Hermione, with the help of Severus, lowered herself into it and was pushed into the small adjacent room. Ramone the Elf looked up from the baby and smiled.

"Ramone says 'congratulations'" said the little elf - speaking in the third person as was the elf norm. "Ramone doesn't think he's ever seen a more handsome boy". Hermione took a sharp intake of breath, just as Severus had upon peering at the child for the first time.

She stood up, out of the wheelchair "He's beautiful" she whispered almost inaudibly. She turned to Severus, "look what we made".  Severus came behind her and put his hands gently around her waist, drawing her back to his chest.

"We did" he sighed, kissing her cheek

"Would you like to give him a cuddle?" Asked Poppy "I'm sure it's just what he needs". Hermione gasped. 

"Isn't he too small?"

"He's small but he completely 'holding his own'.  He needs his mummy" and looking at Severus, smiling "and daddy.  Here..." Poppy reached into the crib and deftly scooped the little tot out.  She handed him to Hermione who was sat back down in the wheelchair.  She took her son carefully and stroked his soft hair.  The young child, who had the exact expression as Severus, frowned and grabbed hold of his mummy's finger.  Deciding that all was right with the world, Snape Junior fell fast sleep once more in his mother's arms. 

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