9 What A Heart Desires

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Some time later Hermione stirred and eventually awoke, finding herself in the infirmary. She momentarily forgot why she was there. Her head and face and body hurt, but upon flexing concluded nothing was broken. She tried to sit up and her stirring caused Severus to wake. His neck was stiff from his sleep in the chair next to her. He was immediately out of his chair and at her side. Remembering the events of the evening Hermione started to cry. Seeing his beautiful Hermione so distressed was almost too much for him to bear. He held her in his arms and she wept.

"Severus" she sobbed "I.... I tried to stop him. He hurt me..." more tears fell and this time they were joined by Severus' own.

"It's ok baby" he tried to reassure her "my love. It's ok. He'll never hurt you again. He's been taken....away. ". He sniffed.

"Someone came...?" She tried to remember "someone helped me?"

Severus nodded "Hagrid heard you just in the nick of time. He stopped him."

Hermione pulled away and looking away from Severus said quietly "Charles tried to....." Severus nodded. He knew what she meant without her having to say the word.

"I know" he said holding her again. He gently turned her face to his "but he didn't and we have to be thankful for that." He took a deep breath in and out "and from what Hagrid did to him, he won't be trying that on anybody again for many years." This made Hermione smile weakly.

They sat in silence for a few minutes when Madame Pomfrey walked in.

"Ahhh Professor Granger" she smiled "You're with us again. Wonderful." She plumped up Hermione's pillows and put some tablets and glass of water on a side table. "Now" she continued "I need a word with you Hermione". She looked at Severus "Can you give us a minute?" Severus got up reluctantly but Hermione stopped him.

"It's ok" she said smiling at both him and Madame Pomfrey in turn "whatever you want to say you can do so in front of Professor Snape."

Madame Pomfrey raised an eyebrow "Well if you're sure?" Hermione nodded.

"Ok" she continued, wringing her starched apron with her fingers "I carried out some routine tests when you were 'out of it' and I don't know if you realise but you're...." she looked briefly at Severus "pregnant. About 2 months."

Both Hermione and Severus' mouths dropped in unison.

"I....but....I....We...." started Hermione, her mouth falling open and closed like a fish. "We were so careful. We used...charms.... afterwards..." She looked at Severus who, by now had turned from a shade of white, to green, to a pale shade of grey. "Severus". Hermione pleaded, looking at him "Please say something?"

Severus sat there feeling like he'd been poleaxed, turning the events over in his mind. She was pregnant. He was going to be a father. Oh My God! He was going to be a father! Him. Severus Snape. A father. A dad. He was going to be a dad and his Hermione was going to be a mum. Oh My God! He slowly let out a breath.

Hermione wasn't quite ready for his simple response. "Happy Christmas Hermione". He pulled her to him in an embrace that immediately told her everything was going to be ok. With her fears allayed her heart swelled for him. She turned to Madame Pomfrey.

"Is the baby ok?" She asked almost in a whisper, swallowing hard. Madame Pomfrey's smile immediately alleviated her worries.

"From the tests we can do" she replied "everything seems to be fine. The heartbeat is strong. Would you both like to hear it?" Hermione and Severus nodded as one. "Here". Madame Pomfrey put a small Doppler onto Hermione's stomach and a loud, steady, rhythmic beating could be heard. "There we go!" She smiled at the pair sat before her "Baby Snape sounds very healthy. Now if you'll excuse me I have my rounds to do." She looked at Hermione "You need to rest" and then at Severus "and so do you. Go to bed Severus and come back later - you'll be no good to Hermione if you're dead on your feet."


Back in his chambers, laying on his bed, hands behind his head, Severus found sleep was eluding him. His mind was questioning his ability to be father. He'd never had to look after anyone but himself. Of course he now cared for Hermione - he loved her to distraction - but she could quite happily look after herself. A small child - a baby - was a different cauldron of fish. What if it didn't like him? What if he didn't like it? Shut up Severus, of course you'll love your baby. Severus puffed out his cheeks and whistled a slow, low exhale of breath. Unable to sleep, he got out of bed and got dressed. He decided he needed a late night walk to clear his head. He found solace in the silence of the deserted corridors and could almost ignore the cold. No pupil dared to wander about at this time - it was more than their life was worth! He was lost in his thoughts when he realised he'd walked up into the Astronomy Tower that turreted the school and was standing in front of the Mirror of Erised. What he saw in front of him made him take in a sharp intake of breath: He stood next to Hermione with an arm draped protectively around her shoulders and in front of them were three young children. Three! Severus gasped. Did the mirror really predict the future? No - he remembered, his eyebrows raising in stonishment. The mirror of Erised only showed what you really desired...

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