11 Nuptuals

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By late April, Spring had returned to Hogwarts and the whole castle seemed to come to life after it's winter slumber. The sun offered some warmth during the day, holding a promise of long summer days to come.

The day finally dawned for Neville and Luna's wedding. Hermione got out of bed and, at nearly seven months pregnant, waddled to the window and flung open the curtains. Glad that she had insisted a couple of months ago that they move from his rooms in the dungeons to her chambers so she could relish it's warmth and brightness on a morning like today. The early morning sunshine flooded in, reaching it's warm fingers of light over the sleeping Severus, and waking him from his slumber. He groaned and flung an arm over his eyes. "For God's sake woman, what are you doing?? It's too bloody early!"

Hermione smiled. He never enjoyed getting out of bed in the morning. She crossed back to his half asleep figure and, whipped back the covers. "Come on sleepyhead!" She laughed "It's 7.30 and we need to get up!" With a swift motion, he sat up in bed and grabbed her wrists. He pulled her gently to him and she turned and plopped down onto his lap with a small scream.

"Kiss me wench" he uttered softly into her ear. Giggling, she did as she was bade. His kiss deepened and she felt that all familiar aching for him, starting between her legs. Glancing down she could see the full extent of his arousal, and she put her hands on his shoulders, pushing him back onto the bed. As deftly as she was able in her condition she straddled him, and took in his full length in one swift motion. Bearing some of her weight he placed his hands around onto her buttocks and started to help her find a comfortable rhythm. Their climax was strong and together, their heartbeats beating as one. Laying against Severus' chest, a leg thrown over his, they stayed motionless until their breathing slowed and their heartbeats returned to normal.


By 11am Severus was seated beside Neville at the front by the beautifully decorated Bonding Arch. Flowers and magical butterflies swirled around the pergola. "What if she doesn't turn up?" Asked Neville who had turned a slight shade of green. His nerves were starting to get the better of him.

"Don't talk wet" hissed back Severus "She's put up with you for this long hasn't she?" Neville nodded, but it didn't go anyway to quell his rising nausea. "Here" continued Severus, opening a small phial and wafting it under Neville's nose "have a sniff of this, it'll make you feel better." Neville inhaled the potion and immediately his nausea dispersed along with his nerves. He grinned at Severus.

"Thanks" he said, suddenly feeling on top of the world "that's amazing!"

"That" retorted Severus, with a slight sneer "was a confidence potion I taught you in the 3rd year "but I didn't expect you to remember it!"

Neville smiled, wryly "I never remembered many of your potions. I was too busy avoiding detention and not being scared of you!"

Any further conversation was halted as the first few notes of Pachelbels Canon in G Major started...


Luna looked beautiful. Her dress of the sheerest lace and silk with a turquoise hue shimmered and changed to pastel teals and pinks as she twirled. She, in every way, looked like a fairy princess. Hermione, dressed in a similar coloured turquoise dress but far more modest to cover her ever expanding figure, sighed at Luna. "You look stunning" she said, with the slightest hint of envy "Neville is a very lucky man. I can't even bend down to put on my shoes! Now off you go and meet your father, before we're late. I'll join you in a minute." Nodding, Luna left the room, disaparating with a small 'pop'. Smiling after her, Hermione picked up her wand and shoulder bag when she heard a light tapping on the door. "Coming!" she shouted walking as quickly as was possible in her condition and reached to open the door. Facing her was Minerva standing elegantly in her favourite dress robes, a big grin on her face.

"Hermione dear" she said "You look positively radiant." She came into the room and grasped her hands. Hermione returned the smile and felt slightly better about her size. "Now" continued Minerva "I have a surprise for you. Shut your eyes!" Hermione, giggling, did as she was asked. After a few seconds "Ok" the older witch said "You can open them...!"

Hermione had no idea what to expect but standing in front of her was Harry and Ron.

"Hello Hermione" said Harry grinning "How are you?"

"Alright 'Mione" said Ron somewhat sheepishly, trying not to look at her swollen stomach but failing.

"Harry! Ron!" Screamed Hermione, rushing to them and embracing them in a big bear hug "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"We wanted to surprise you." Harry hugged her back. Ron seemed a bit put out by her changed shape.

"Bloody Hell Hermione" he said, his eyebrows raised "you're as big as a house!"

"Well thanks Ronald" laughed Hermione "You know how to make a girl feel better!"

"How's Severus?" Said Harry, standing back to get a better look at his friend. She looked lovely and had an air of contentment about her, although she did look tired. Taking Harry's hands in hers she smiled and nodded "He's fine. A little stressed about his impending leap into fatherhood but otherwise alright." The Golden Trio were together again and made their way to the Bonding Arch to join Luna and her father who were waiting for them. Ron and Harry took their seats amongst the other guests and Hermione took her place behind Luna and her father Xenphilius Lovegood. Severus, making eye contact with Hermione felt he'd had a small thump to his solar plexus. She was positively glowing. Pregnancy certainly did become her. A feeling of love and pride welled up inside him. This was HIS witch. HIS. And she loved HIM and was bearing HIS child. Could a man ever be more happy than he at that moment, he mused to himself?

The Bonding Ceremony went without a hitch. Mr and Mrs Longbottom were cheered walking together hand in hand through the beautiful archway. The wedding party followed them back up to the castle - Severus taking Hermione's hand as they went. As 'Best Man' it was Severus' job to make a speech and to raise a toast to the happy couple. Whilst Severus was happy talking AT 'dunderhead students', as he so lovingly referred to them, he wasn't known for his regaling of witty stories or humorous anecdotes amongst his peers. This had caused him no end of sleepless nights worrying that he would not be able to entertain The Longbottom's wedding party and he would dive like a damp squib. Eventually, with a speech prepared, Severus stood and directing his wand to his glass brought the wedding party to his attention.

"Witches and Wizards" he started in his usual slow, clipped, baritone voice. "I'd like to begin by....welcoming you....on this most....happy occasion" He looked around the room at his audience, they were all smiling at him and he felt himself relax slightly "I was very surprised when Mr Longbottom...Neville...here asked me to be his best man. I'm assuming everybody else was unavailable - For we weren't always considered.... close. In fact when I was trying to impart my wisdom to him and his friends many years ago he spent so much time in my detention I'm quite surprised he isn't still there now!" Laughter erupted from the room and Severus, pleased with the reception, carried on. "I do so hope that these days an effigy of me dressed in your grandma's Sunday Best is no longer your bogart, Mr Longbottom?" He looked at Neville who half raised his glass back to him in salute and winked and smiled. "I've seen both Neville and Luna grow to be the finest of a new generation of staff here at this prestigious... establishment and I am honoured to be called their friend. I would like you to take this opportunity to all raise your glasses with me and make a toast to 'The Bride and Groom, Luna and Neville!" Everyone stood and repeated the toast, offering up their glasses. Everyone that is except Hermione. Severus sat down after the toast, feeling that the speech had been received better than he had hoped for, and looked to find his witch, to see her reaction. Looking at the far end of the top table where she had been seated her chair was vacant. She must've popped to the loo, he thought, hoping that she had heard his speech.

True Love WaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora