5 Working Together

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Hermione awoke with a headache. She'd slept fitfully and woke at first light. The early October morning broke grey and dank. She got out of bed and entering the bathroom, the warm spray of the shower eased her aching temples. She got dressed, dried and smoothed her luscious locks and pinned them up into a neat French twist. She applied a hint of make-up and appraising herself in the mirror left her chamber and headed to the Great Hall for breakfast.

She was tucking into her meal and engrossed in The Daily Prophet, reading all about Harry and Ron's latest exploits in Australia - rounding up a few remaining Snatchers who, despite the passing of time, didn't accept the War was over. She smiled as she saw a picture of her friends outside the Ministry of Magic in Perth. She missed them and their boyish charms. She was lost in her thoughts and jumped slightly when she realised Severus had seated himself next to her. She looked up and was most surprised to be met by almost....almost a hint of a smile which almost... almost held some warmth behind it. Now that threw her off balance a bit. She'd expected to parry his hostility with her own. So Hermione ventured a small smile back at him.

Further interaction was halted abruptly as Madame Pomfrey and Professor McGonnagall came flying into the Great Hall. They made straight for where Hermione and Severus were sitting.

"Professors Snape and Granger", Minerva spoke, looking quite harassed. "I need to see you both in my study. Now!" Madame Pomfrey, who was stood immediately behind the ageing witch looked on anxiously, nodding.

"With most haste" she added, her hands wringing her beautifully white, stiff with starch apron "quickly". Without speaking Hermione and Severus followed the two out of the Great Room to Minerva's office, where Neville was already waiting looking equally anxious.

"Since yestereve" she started "we've had three confirmed cases - with a potential fourth - of Troll Pox amongst our students". Her face held the pinched look of seriousness. "These students - two from Hufflepuff, one from Ravenclaw and another, Slytherin, are now in the infirmary. They are being treated with our stocks of Laverish Vine Root and are of course now in strict quarantine, but we all know how potentially dangerous this could be."

A small house elf apparated into the office with a 'pop'. She was dressed in a rather unflattering and far too baggy 'nurses uniform'. Her face was very grave "Mitsy is sorry to interupt" she was almost weeping "Mitsy has come to tell Madame Pomfrey that three more students are now in the 'firmary and we are running low on Laverish." She bowed her head low.

Madame Pomfrey acknowledged the small elf "Thank you Mitsy, please return immediately. I shall be there presently". And with that the elf was gone as quick as she'd arrived. Turning to Neville "How much Laverish Root do you have in the greenhouses?" Neville sucked in a breath.

"A bit. Not much really." He shook his head "It's not something we've had much call for over the years. Troll Pox had died out I thought?"

"Clearly not" responded Minerva, looking most upset. "We'll need to get some more. I'll get on to Madame Malaide in Beaux Batons to see how much they can lend us. In the mean time" she turned to Severus and Hermione "All lessons are suspended and students are to be confined to quarters until further notice. I need you two to make up as much of the Laverish Compound from the Root that Neville can give you."

Many hours later Severus and Hermione were still working on the compound. It was a tricky potion that only a few of the most practised Potion Master's could perfect. Hermione and Severus worked slowly and methodically together and the initial awkwardness of their closeness soon melted away into a companionable working relationship.

After three days of working solid, the completed potion was delivered to Madame Pomfrey. By now some twenty students were gravely ill and the stocks she'd initially had were now all used up.

"It's not before time" she said as she took the box of phials from Severus. "I don't think this will be nearly enough either - Severus you and Miss Granger need to go to Paris to collect all the Laverish that Beau Batons have said they can spare."

Severus grunted in response. He was tired from not having slept for nearly three days and he knew Hermione was just as weary. "How near to The Academy can we apparate?" He asked stifling a yawn.

"Only as far as Calais" she responded over her shoulder, as she bustled from the room with the medicine "They've still got wards in place since the war. A port key will get you into the country then you'll have to use Muggle Transport. Miss Granger will show you how...." and then she has gone.

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