"Please join us." Amy gesture to the empty seats infront of me.

"I don't think-

"Wow thanks Amy" The girl bounced her boobs almost poping out of her top. Skyler glance at her annoyed.

"No please darling call me Mrs Mason" I can tell she had the urdge to roll her eyes making me smile.

"Son, I know these past few weeks has been tough on you and you can't just give up. Go partying and sleep with girls like.....-" David clear his throat changing the use of words. "Girls. You can talk to us you know. I don't even know what's the matter with you."

"It's nothing dad" He shook his head.

 I picked up the fork and stab the pork in it, I chewed the juicy pork slowly not raising my eyes away from my plate.

"You look better Tim" David nodded changing the subject. "Is it botox? I can tell because Amy here-

His sentence cut off short when he grunt in pain he drag his eyes away from my dad and to Amy and gave an innocent smile.

"I mean Amy doesn't do botox she's pure beauty," He grinned leaning in for a kiss but got rejected.

Both me and my dad laughed, I smiled at the two couple amused.

"So Hailey you doing good in school?" David asked me staring at the vegetable infront of him that Amy place in his plate disgusted.


"Oh! You're Hailey! I thought I recognise you" The girl shove the mash potato in her mouth. "What are you doing here?" She laughed. "You know the Manson's? You're not that much of a loser after all" She laughed.

I wanted to rip her dirty blond locks out of her head. I secretly glare at her. Skyler lean towards her whispering. All eyes were on her. Skyler sat there tense glaring at her, she was oblivious of the tense air around the room.

"Who's your dad?" She scan the room landing on my dad she grined.

"He's adorable, don't mind me asking do you have cancer?" She asked bluntly causing the whole room to look at her shock.

"Yeah I do" My dad smiled polietly.

I clenched my fist with the fork in my hand. I knew if this got out in school people will pity me or worst make fun of the fact the loser is leaving a more pathetic life then everyone seem to think.

"Well Hailey why didn't you tell me we are friends after all" She fake hurt. "Your poor dad has cancer?" She gasp dramtically.

She reach forward patting my clench hand, looking at me amused.

"Don't worry I'll be here for you" She didn't even try to pretend to act sad.

It was obvious she find it amusing that my dad has cancer. Who the fuck she think she is? I clenched my jaw tight looking at my food. Than I remember her in school lingering behind Jessica.

"Oh please Maggie, keep your fake finger nails off me" I look at her placing the expensive looking fork down. "No one likes a fake" I wrinkle my nose in disgust.

Her eyes darken as she glare at me I return the glare with a smile.

"Thank you for your concern" I said sarcastically. "If you excuse me I need to go to the bathroom" I took the napkin off my lap and place it on the table.

"It's far in the left darling" Amy spoke giving me a small smile.

I pass my dad and patt his shoulder reassuring him I'm fine, he glance up at me and nodded. I walk into the bathroom locking it behind me. I look at the mirror and it showed the pain in my face. I know that she's going to dpread this around. I know that they would make a big deal about this and I won't be able to forget just for a few hours my dad is sick. I know half the students will keep reminding me that he's dying.

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